Chapter 20

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(Wilds POV)
Me and facemaker than separate from the others and start going down a hall, following the plan. I just hope nature is ok.
"I don't understand. Why did we split up?"facemaker questioned. "We're are we going?......... How do you know our parents are this way." Facemaker says still asking me questions. "Ok this is good"I said stoping in the middle of the hallway looking around. Facemaker gives me a confused look. "What do you mean, "this wild good?" He said. "Are you questioning my authority?"I said looking at him. He looks at me confused. "Ug.... I don't Evan know what we're talking about."he said trying not to get in trouble. "Really? The confused thing? That's what you're going with?"I said than I pushed him on the shoulders and he gave me a pissed face. He than pushed me back and we went our separate ways. But before we changed cloths and he put my face on.

(Ms. Granada POV)
"Just as I suspected.....falling apart at it seams.....Hmm" she said as she looks at the screen of wild and facemaker fighting and going there separate ways. "We need to get that one.he has so little control over his powers, he's liable to blow us all up by accident......let's go"she said pointing to 'wild'. She and the gourds than went to go get 'wild'.

(With the kids/natures POV)
"That's it there!"wheels said as we turn to a corner and saw a door. ~we're gonna make it after all~A cappella sang. But than we see guards in front of the door blocking us. We start to back up ", we're not"fast forward said. We than try to run the other way but a wall blocks the way and more gourds come in front. "Uh.....guys?........what do we do now." Rewind said as they all start to get in there fighting positions. "Nature."rewind said. I was just standing there calm even if the guards were coming closer. "Why are you so calm"noodles said looking both ways of the halls. "Because we have something they don't know about, a secret weapon."I said. "We do?"wheels said confused. "Yeah. Teamwork. Alone, our powers are special, but together we're unstoppable!.....slow-mo attack."I said ordering theme to charge at the guards. "A Cappella,eardrums!"I said to her. She than starts to sing loudly at the guards and cover there ears. "Rewind,tale them down!"I said. Rewind smirked and cracked his knuckles and started to attack the guards. "Oh and missy you can just stay to the side like the dog you are.......thanks!" I said to missy smiling innocently. She rolled her eyes and scoffed while walking to the wall and standing there watching us. Slow-mo than start to attack the guards but they laugh due to how slow he. Than rewind starts to punch and kick the guards. I than use my strength while my outfit changes (☝️) with a knife on my side. You know just in case.😏. I than start to punch and kick them a lot. A lot of them than fly since I have a lot of strength. (Also I forgot to mention you have strength but if you use it for to toooooo long than you get drained) I than noticed guppy was not there. "Guppy? Guppy?"I said than go look for her. While I do that slow-mo starts to punch the guards. "Guppy? Guppy, what are you doing?"I said as I see the little girl sitting on the floor meditating. "Staying calm"she said while her eyes are closed. "Well.not right now!"I kinda shouted. While the others kick the guards asses well except missy and guppy. "Guppy listen to me."I said to guppy right in front of her. "Shark frenzy.🦈"I said to her smirking. She than smiled and got up than put her blue glasses on 👓 and growled🗣. I than go to the side of the wall as she walks to everyone fighting "everyone stand back!"I said warning everyone. They than all run to the sides as guppy starts kicking some but like the bad bitch she is. A couple seconds later everyone starts to fight but missy because she weak. I also use my strength to punch and kick them and flip them. Than wheels goes to the middle and says "noodles,chin-up bar!"he said as noodles uses his arm to make a bar for wheels. Wheels than pushes himself to to a upside down handstand on the bar. (Idk ok just go with it) than his wheels speeds to the guards nocking them like bowling bawls as we all stand to the wall. Then the wheelchair comes back and wheels sits back down as noodle pulls his arm back. "Great job, wheels!"I said to him as we all go next to him except A cappella since she is still fighting a girl guard. "Yesss, go bestie"I said proudly. A cappella than puts the guard on the ground while she holds her down but than purple tentacles come from the guards hands and A cappella makes a gross face and gets away from the guard walking to us. "Ewww"we all said. Than the guards take there tentacles out of the back and the guard that was fighting a cappella used her tentacles to get up. Like ewww we did not need to see that. We all than look at each other with worried face. We than see Chan's with handcuffs on the bottom come from the top. Than next thing me know they chain us all.

('Wilds' POV/ facemaker)
"Focus on super strength"I said pretending to be wild. I tried tuning to the door and pushing it open but it did not work. I than go to another door and press one hand on one of the side of my head and said "Focus on teleportation"I tried running into the door but it didn't work and I fall back down. I than sit up a little and look up to see Ms. Granada with guards. "Hmm..... Nice try,kid." She said in a teasing voice. "Take him to interrogation"she says using her hands to make a spinning motion. I than gasp as the tentacle wraps around he dragging me.

(Back with the kids/nature POV)
We than try and get out of the chains but it was no use. "Rewind!"I shouted looking at him. "I can't."he said sadly. "We can do this"fast forward said looking at him since she was right next to him. "How?"rewind questioned. "We work together......I'll help you."fast said as they both start to move there fingers in motion making a blue and red colors and they wind us back a little to before they brought us to when the guards did not bring the chains down. "Noodles,get those shackles out of the ceiling!"I said pointing to the chains on top. He than does what I says and I say "now fast, quick!" Rewind said as she than movs us forward a little to when the guards bring the chains down. They tried but there was nothing there. We than start to giggle a little while they look confused. They than try to walk but the guards couldn't cuz the chains that were on the floor that noodles did coyly there feet. But than one of the guards pull out keys from his pocket while smirking. "Uh-oh..."fast said. "Again"fast said to rewind as they start to move there hand together in a circular motion. The guard than tries to reach for the keys but there was nothing there and his smirk dies down. I walk a little and say "looking for these?"I said dancing the keys in my hands in front of them. The twins than hight five and I walk to them to "great job, fast forward. Excellent work, rewind"I said but than rewind keeps rewinding me so I keep saying 'excellent work,rewind'.
"I just like hearing her say it"says rewind as he continues to do it.

(With 'wild'/Facemaker)
'Wild' was on a chair in a purple room but than Ms.Granada walks into the room with guards "okay,wild card, spill it.........what's the big plan,hmm?"Ms. Granada said questioning 'wild'. "Well,the plan was to get me close enough to you to turn you into the dumbest alien that ever existed." 'Wild' said as he throws both his arms pointing to ms Granada pretending he is using his powers. "No way! My powers finally worked" 'wild' said. Then one of the guard starts to laugh at the joke but stops when Ms.Granada death stares him and says "keep laughing and I'll blast you right back to Ogima"she said as she than turns her head to a smiling 'wild'. "We have ways of getting the truth out of you, you know."Ms.Granada said crouching to him. "That'd be a first.........Ha!" 'Wild' said kinda happily. Than the same guard starts to snicker a little but stops again as ms. Granada faces him.....................................

A/n ok so I'm sorry I haven't posted in a few days I have just been busy and we have been going to places trying to get valentines things for all of us. So I'm sorry but thank you all for 14k Views like omg thank you all. And we are almost done but this won't be the last but yeah hope you liked it and thanks.!!!!!!!!!!!!


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