🖕🏻Chapter 17🖕🏻

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Natures POV
We were than brought or punched into a purple room. "Hey watch it" "ewww" "ugh" "get off me" some of the kids said as they pushed us in the room. "Hey touch me again I dare you"I said to one of them and my eyes glowed purple since I was mad. I was about to go punch them but I felt wilds hand slide around my waist holding me back. "Nature don't"he said softly. So I went back to normal and stopped trying than some other kids counted to come in the room. Than slow-mo comes in bouncing slowly. "Quit the pantomime,slow-mo you didn't Evan scrape a knee" Wild said annoyed while slow-mo just shrugged a little. "Oh good just the kind of divisive attitude I've been counting on. You kids are just like your parents the same in fighting,the same bickering. Putting your own egos ahead of your team."she said as I look at her very angrily crossing my arms next to wild card and guppy. Than guppy pols out her cup so she can use her powers. "Take her water away."she said to the guards as she takes guppy's water away u just put guppy behind me protecting her. "They're to powerful together"she said pointing to rewind and fast forward. Than a purple tentacle moves fast to the side away from rewind. She than looks at me and I looked like I was about to explode with anger. She smiles a little and looks at wild. "Them to move them apart"she said to the guards pointing at me and wild. Me and wild looked are each other but a tentacle pushed me hard to the wall on the other side and hit my head hard. "Nature!"Wild shouted but another tentacle grabs him holding him back. He tries to get out but he can't so he gives up. I was just on the the floor near the wall and felt like I was about to pass out and I could tell I got pretty hurt when they shoved me to the wall. Than ojo grips her iPad protecting it. "Oh don't worry. I won't take your little toy.I already know what your future is. Imprisonment.life long"she said as she holds a key for the door in front of us teasing us. She than chuckles and steps outside of the door in the middle and the doors closes and Wild runs to me so fast and Higgs me tight but still doesn't know my head is bleeding from the back. I just feel like I'm going to black out soon but he just stays there on the floor with me in his arms as he uses his thumb to gently rub my hand."How are we getting out of here?"guppy asked as we were all shocked. "I..........don't know"missy said as she sat down with her legs crossed and her hand on her
(I'm not going to do the parents part because I'm lazy.....sorry. Just if you don't know grandma is there now)
"I bet Miss Granada's been working there for years"said facemaker as he walks around.
"They must have hacked the election and put there own alien in as president,so they could set a trap for the heroics"Wild said as he still holding on to me on the floor. "I'm such an idiot.president Neil Anami. Spell Neil Anami backwards and you have........I'm an alien"wheels said. "Everyone thinks that the aliens only invaded this morning,but they've been here for years planning this takeover the whole time."fast forward said as she was sitting in a chair. "Hey you ok,you haven't said anything"Wild said in a concerned voice. "Yea I'm okay"I said in a very drained voice. He didn't believe me and said "are you sure?". "Yea ye..... we'll now that I think....an...oh...t.......it........."I tried to say until everything went black........

Wilds POV
I knew nature was not ok but she just didn't want to tell me. She was trying to say something but than she stopped......on no she passed out. "Nature.....nature.....,.nature wake up plz princess please"I said as my voice cracked. I tried to move her a little to try and wake her up but nothing worked. I than check her pulse and see she barley has one. So I start to cry a little. Than everyone starts to hear me crying and sees nature passed out in my arms. "Please NATURE PLZ WAKE UP!!!!!"I screamed as I sobb a LOT. Than everyone comes to nature. "Nature..... nature....."fast said as she shakes her a little. "Oh no nature come on wake up"noodles said. "N-no....."guppy said as she starts to cry but a cappella hugs her as she cry's to. "No please nature..........we need to do something"I said as my voice cracks because I'm still sobbing. "Um well try to give her cpr"wheels said. I than put her body on the floor and hover over her stomach. I start to try and give her cpr but nothing works. I start to give up and just lay my head on her stomach while running 🏃‍♂️ be of my hands through her hair.

"I'm so sorry nature this is all my fault"I said but my voice cracks. Everyone starts to cry and hug each other. But than I see something...........something incredible. I see her start to glow
(👇) like this but you are Flynn and wild is Rapinzel

 I see her start to glow (👇) like this but you are Flynn and wild is Rapinzel

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This is your hair

I than start to get up as she lights up and her hair

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I than start to get up as she lights up and her hair. "Omg"I said. Everyone was looking amazed.

Natures POV
I than feel my eyes start to slowly open but there was a light so I couldn't see. I than see the light go away except for my hair. So I open my eyes to see everyone looked at me with there faces red and wild next to my stomach. "Oh hey guys"I said and smiled. They all look surprised and they all hug me super super tight. Than we pull away exact guppy and wild. "Nature omg I thought I lost you"guppy said I just smile and said "you didn't think you can get rid of me that easily,did you"I said guppy than let's go and than Wild. He was still holding my waist tightly. "I'm so sorry nature...it's all my fault"he said softly in my waist but I could hear his voice crack a little. "Wild....."I said as I use my hand to bring his chin up to meet my face but his hands still around my waist. "This was not your okay. And Evan if it was I'm fine and would love you no matter what."I said he smiled at me softly and I was about to lean in to kiss but forgot everyone was watching so I just hugged him.
(Skip a little and now everyone is sitting not crying)
"Hey nature, what was that glowy thingy?"Rewind asked. Everyone turned to me and wild because I had my head on his cheats with his hands around me. "Um wellllllll.....I've never seen that thing happen with my stomach but I've seen my hair glow before"I said. "Wait so your hair glows all the time"A cappella asked. "No only really when I use it for healing or when mother is brushing my hair"I said. "Wait so you can heal people with it and it glows when you brush it."fast said. I nodded. "Wow I really do have a amazing best friend"she said smiling. I giggle. "Hey maybe your little green friend or whatever can go through the lock and unlock it"missy said. I rolled my eyes and said "first his name is max so get it correct next time and second max is to big for that tiny hole."I said annoyed as I gently put max in my hand and rub his back. Max just looks at missy and turns to the coler red being angry at missy and what she said. Missy just looked away................

A/n I just wanted to say thank you for 10.3K like that is AMAZING. !!!!!Thank you so much 😊.!!!!!!!!Also I will try and post over the week but I will most likely only post on my days I don't go to school so plz don't expect me to post every day. So yea than you and I hope you enjoyed!!!!!

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