🌹Chapter 15🌹

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(•̀ᴗ•́)وNatures POV(ง'̀-'́)ง
We than pull up to the mother ship and see a giant purple ship witch was huge and kinda had other small ships around. Than a small hole opens in the window in front. "I'm gonna go check it out"noodles said as we stretched his neck and made sure there was no one out there. We all just watched him. He than came back to normal and said "we're all good". We than walked out to the plank thingy and it was big. "Am I just really small,or is this ship really big"guppy said in a cute voice as she holds a cappellas hand. "It's enormous"said rewind. "I think your just really small guppy"I said in a joking voice as I was walked extremely close to wild card. Guppy just glared at me. "How are we going to find our parents"said fast forward. "I was thinking about that. Mrs.Granada found us really easily back at Grandmas house, and I think I know how,your bracelet."wheels said grabbing Missys bracelet off her wrist. "I haven't been able to contact my dad"she said. I really just wanted to put a bomb in her head and watch it explode so bad. But while I was in my thoughts wheels interrupted by saying "but maybe the transmitter in here that connects the two bracelets works like a tracking device."he said as he opens up the bracelet a little. "But I need a pair of pilers and a heat source"wheels said. "My teeth are strong because my dad is a shark"guppy said as she chops the air with her teeth. "Perfect". I than thought of a idea and nuge wild cards arm. He looked at me a little confused but than got the idea. "And I've got a heat source........heat vision!"he said but unfortunately turned into a toaster. I just frowned a little. "Now he's a toaster"facemaker said as we all watch wild/toaster.noodles picks him up but than toast pops out. He handed wild/toaster to wheels. "Hey be carful with him"I said sternly wheels just nods and says . "Close enough"than we started to walk out in the halls as a alien walks past. We walked ducked down trying not to get caught with Wild in the back me next to acapella and fast forward in the middle and missy in the front guiding us. We than started to run a little faster  of course with guppy and slow-mo in the back. "Is it working"wheels said to missy. "Well it's leading us somewhere"she said. She than goes to the back with wild and starts to say stuff but I couldn't hear so I go a little slower so I could hear what they are saying but still couldn't hear. I was jealous and angry,sad,mad I mean what were that saying and why are they so CLOSE TOGETHER........ugh nature stop you don't need any of them and if Wild doesn't like me you than it's his post.I thought in my head planning both there deaths.

( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)Wilds POV( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
I was in the back thinking of nature and how I totally failed when I turned into a toaster until I see missy coming my way. "Hey!that was really good back there"she told me but I was unsure 😐 f I should talk to her or not since I know nature does not like her.......but I did. "What.turning into a toaster instead of a making heat vision"I said back but I knew I should not talk to her but idk I just did. "It was heat-related. That's real progress."missy said. But I than see in the corner of my eye nature glare at missy AND me. Oh know. Now she is going to hate me. I thought. BUT I STILL CONTINUE TO TALK BACK. "I guess it's progress."I said. Ugh Wild stop talking.I thought in my head. "You just watch. Pretty soon,you'll be teleporting like it's nobody's business. It's all about belief "missy said but I did not say ANYTHING back cuz I knew nature was already mad at me. I than walked to nature and was about to grab her hand so I can talk to her but than something stopped me. Dang it.

A/n I will probably be posting later but I am going to eat so bye and hope you like it.

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