Chapter 21:hiraeth

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((warning:scenes can be upsetting. ))

Hiraeth:The feeling of longing for a home that no longer exists or never was.

What really happened that day,1 year since I lost my job at SPEG:

"Everybody hands up and stand up!"The robotic voiceover said where it would've previously announced the approaching station.

My hand instinctively grabbed my mum's who nodded at me.

"What are you going to do Daddy?"whispered the little girl in the sunflower dress.

Judging by the haircut,the little girl's dad was a police-officer and if anything,to every child,their parent was a superhero.

"Shh Maisie.Everything's going to be fine sweetheart."He whispered as he picked his daughter up.

I gave my own Dad a little smile as a tear glistened in his weird eyes.He had bell's eye palsy you see and it was our little joke that I was sure he had laser vision or something. "I love you."I mouthed to him for the first and last time.

We'd always had a rocky relationship.

I ripped of my necklace and crushed the crystal underneath my foot. Blue smoke rose from the floor and I was enveloped in a sticky substance.

The last thing I saw was my parents' encouraging smile as I froze into a statue.


The tar flaked off me and felt renewed,energised and powerful.The sort of powerful that scared the living daylight out of me.

The first thing I smelt was the smoke.Then came the overwhelming stench of blood and lastly the cries of help.

"Mum!Dad!"I shouted,my brain finally doing its job.

I could barely see anything and all I knew was that I was being crushed under the weight of the roof of the train.

I need to get up. This awkward crouching position is going to get us nowhere.

And that was that.I somehow managed to stand up straight and I was through the metal roof.The shock left me as I heard cries of help.

The roof is so heavy.I could never- Oh my gosh.Wait.The roof!It's getting lighter!

I crouched back underneath it and pushed it up and off.

Something was wrong.

I could sense the building's instability.But I have to get everybody out!

Adrenaline rushed into my blood stream as I entered the train, carriage by carriage,feeling for living people.I don't know how I did it.Any of it.

When everyone living person was out of the rubble of the collapsed platform and train of carcasses I puked my guts out and couldn't stop til someone helped me up.It's one thing I admire about humans. When there's a problem we band together.

I don't know who they were.The people who pulled me up.They were gone as quick as they arrived.

Chaos ensued around me. Police sirens and ambulance rang loudly nearby whilst people screamed in search of one another.Each scream was jarringly unique- the most painful were the screams that announced that their search had been unsuccessful.

I wanted to say don't. It will weaken the building. The building which I was holding up mentally with every ounce of energy and power I had left in me.

"Help."The word escaping me was barely a whisper.

The policemen and women escorted the most injured of survivors out first through the narrow half-open gates.

People clawed their way out of the ruins,some giving a hopeful smile,some stampeding blindly.
Children were passed hand to hand to the exits,to the light.A safe haven.

A heartbeat! In fact 2!

It was inside the furthest car.

If I moved this entire place would collapse.

"THERE ARE LIVING PEOPLE IN THE MIDDLE CAR!"No one paid heed to my shouting.After all most still couldn't hear anything except the ringing in their ears.

Once everyone was out I made on step at a time.The middle car.

Only to find I was too late.I had killed them.

Worse still, I had killed my parents.

Now I can never go home,because they were my home. And I lost it.

I lost it all.

((hope you enjoyed that readers! It has been ages since an update so I'm sorry for that. Was it worth it? You tell me :) ))

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