Chapter 30:new ties

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"Who sent this message?"Mev asks.Or should I say commands.Everything he says sounds like a command.

I took a deep breath to consolidate my thoughts,"I come from Earth or Terra."

I'm glad I picked up the lingo real quick."My team are protectors of Earth and they also operate intergalatically."My team?Sweetie you don't even qualify for the team yet."They're called the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and they will save us all."


It's fun to be blindfolded,knocked out and tied up.

It's really not.

I'm placed on a table in an overly full dorm room.From the positioning of the lights,I can tell this room was originally meant to house 100 beds yet more and more people are pouring in through the doors. Apparently, this is the only place without surveillance which would make sense as the squallish extra makeshift toilets and basin stand at the back of the room with just an old yellowing sheet as a privacy curtain.

The corridor toilets and braindoom ones are much nicer,considering less people use them.

I rub the back of my sore head with my shoulder,then yawn."Hello kidnappers."It's funnier because they're kids too.

They stare at me incredulously. Turns out trauma doesn't make everyone funnier.

"Well?What do you want from me?"They answer in silence.

What,do they expect me to make a plan on the spot? I scoffed and realised that is exactly what they wanted from me."Look if you want me to physically do something you have to trust me.And you can do that by untying my hands.Perhaps getting some paper and pen?"

They all stare at each other not convinced."Fine we'll untie you."A twelve year old boy says with an annoyed sigh.

Of course I could've gotten out ages ago but it would be no point,I needed a trusting team.

"Right then.I'm Kiara. And my team will have a ship for you to board after we disable the heart.It will make all the doors open so we have to work to close the ejection lofts,those can only be closed at the lofts themselves.So people will need to be stationed there.However the guards are there so we need to let them get ejaculated into space first."

I sniggered internally at my choice of words in an attempt to seem responsible.Honestly Kiara,ejaculated.Come on back on task.

"We need to get to the north wing,the only place big enough to dock a ship to carry everyone."

"Where will we go after that?"A brave girl asks from the middle of the room,her voice rings out clearly through all the murmuring snd shuffling to get comfortable.

"I-."Truthfully I don't know."Away from here for certain.I'm Terran so probably there first, to get you guys to a hospital – uh healers.So that you are all not injured and then we'd get each of you to your home planet or you can stay in Terra I suppose. It's not up to me. I don't own Terra but I'm sure if you wish to stay,you will not be turned out.And my team will make sure that no harm comes to you." That was a good answer.Well done Kiara.

"What a load of rubbish!"A voice shouted. Many agreed and murmurs became shouts and soon it was a whole kerfuffle.

"Okay."I took a deep breath and waited for things to subside."DO YOU WANT TO GET THE F*CK OUT OF HERE OR NOT?"

Well thank goodness that worked."Right.Now if we want to get out of here,first we need to work together or we will not make it. Anyone who wishes to tell the authority,you are not only screwing up your perhaps only chance ever but everyone else's.So those who are with me,we will meet here again tomorrow night, if you are not feel free to leave but please keep your mouth shut for everyone's sake because if- when we succeed we aren't leaving anyone behind."

Chatters started to spread and Mev found me."Kiara."

"Oh hey there Mev.""I said hugging him,as an excuse to support my currently weak knees. We made I around the corner before I collapsed and threw up the little food I had in my stomach.

"You're used to this.Or not anymore.You were used to this before."Mev said scrunching his caterpillar like eyebrows."Let's get some food into your system."
Mev yanks me up as if I'm his will to live.

"What's wrong with her?"The girl who spoke up in the crowd asked. I see now that she look about the same age as me.

"Nothing's wrong with me."I lied confidently.

Hazelline rushes around the corner,raking me with her eyes for any sign of harm.

"Correct but you need a little looking after."Mev backs up.

"Yeah,it would help if you actually went to sleep to give your body some time to process."Hazelline said picking up on the situation.

When too much is at stake,I can't bring myself to be idle like that. 1000s of lives here,and I'm to choose how to save them.

I sprint away,unable to act anymore, for now.


I stare courageously at the sea of faces organised in height order so everyone can see"Okay here's what we'll do.We'll have strikers who operate on their own and 20 big teams, 5 smaller teams who will be the commanders for each place.First we need to see what each of you are good at." I've spent all night coming up with this.I stretch my arms and begin firing my questions.

((Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed it :D. Also Kiara is almost 16 in case anyone is wondering. Hope you have a nice day! <3 <3 <3 ))

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