Chapter 22: reporting to duty

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A knock sounded on my door."Kiara can I come in?"

I wanted to say something.A yes or a no.

Instead, I just locked myself in the bathroom and turned on the shower.

"Are you in the shower?Um.Okay I'll come by later."Daisy said,seemingly convinced by my ruse.

I wish I could just work through it and stop feeling it all.But it never really stops.

I can keep the thoughts at bay for a time,but they always win and I just end up here again. Trapped inside my own mind.

There's no point in being upset.

You are allowed to feel.There's nothing wrong in that!


Well that's true.I have lost a lot.

You can't be a winner if you've already won.It's like you were at the top of a mountain and you tried climbing,so of course you fell off.But that's alright.Let's climb.

Okay y'know what,shut up brain.

It takes too much to work through it all. So what if I just don't?

I'll keep outrunning it.

And when I reach the end of the line...then what?

We can cross that bridge when it comes.

Jump off.

Don't you dare.I'm telling Daisy.

No! No!

Well if you don't get your head out of the gutter this instant I'll-

You'll what?We're both here.You're not going to defeat me!

But she can!

She can?

I can?

Wait what.

Gosh I hate arguing with myself.Because there's never really an outcome.And I just can't change.


I've never heard it before.Whether it's because of my weird tinnitus or just the fact my brain never shuts up.

I switch off the shower and wash my tear-streaked face.

The trick is to dab water underneath your eyes thus cooling your eye nerves. Step 2: Ta-da! Non-puffy eyes.


Now what? Time to face the world.

I plug into my music and walk as a zombie with purpose.


"Hey Daisy!"
"Hey Kiara.Just the girl I was looking for.You got that report?"
"Yeah.It's on my tablet." The report was for behavioural patterns in anyone I can observe.I've had fun sneaking around.

"Great.I'll proof read it for you and then we can submit. And then... You are going to space!"

"What!I can't go to space."

"Why not?"

"I got homework."
"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that. You haven't handed in your homework to FitzSimmons for the last 3 weeks and you've only been at it a month."


"Yeah.Oops.Now come on.I've got something for you."Daisy said. I love how Daisy didn't even mention the fact that my grades used to be good. I love my Daisy-mum.


"Are you ready Kiara?"Coulson said.

"Yes sir."I replied with a mock-salute.

"Agent Darren,this will be your first mission and you are going to lead it.You will get into the childrens' prison and then open the gates to cause a distraction.Then we'll put all the alien kids on Zephyr 256.One catch.Under no circumstances will you use your powers,it could be a handy surprise card if things go south."

"But-"I was nothing without my powers.They were literally the only thing that made me feel useful.

"I suggest you focus on a little more fight training to solve that issue."

"Yes sir."I said neutrally.In truth I was terrified and my anxiety-levels were sky-rocketing which was displayed as fidgeting.Wow I have so many fingers.

"That's your briefing and here's your file."He handed me a 3cm thick file which ended being just a giant folded blue-print(information was sent to my tablet).They'd just wanted to make the experience feel more original for me.

"Okay can we stop being professional now,you're kinda scaring me."Daisy said,picking up on my nervousness.

"Yeah.I hate doing that anyway."Coulson replied."Good luck Agent Darren.You have 2 weeks to prepare – which does include learning basics of an alien language."

"Ugh.I know like 26 already,are none of them the similar?"I asked.

"Nope.But what's one more eh?"

I glared at Coulson for making me do so much work.I hate studying. I don't mind learning. But I doubt an alien is actually going to teach me the language. Wait a minute-

"Will Skylar be teaching me the language?"

"Yes.."Daisy said with a suggestive smirk.They shared a knowing look.

"What?"I said innocently.

"You know exactly what.Now shoo!We got some work to be doing here."Daisy replied dismissively with a secret smile tilting her lips.

((Hey guys please seek help if you feel the way Kiara does.Please. Or talk to me,okay? I care you readers.Like for real.Not as a courtesy.I care okay? Lots of love,you dear writer :) ))

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