Chapter 17: Loki is my brother-in-law?!

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(( a small gift,courtesy of @the-streak-lives who boosted my mood by commenting.A Krylorian is someone whois Carina's (the girl who worked at the collector's place in guardians of thegalaxy) race. A picture has been attached above of Carina but my character looksdifferent except for the pink skin.))

Explanation: Skylar Tsirani was cutest and most caring boy I had set my eyes on,who just so happened to be Loki's half-brother – the frost giant side. I've done all my research on him,of course. Girls stalkering skills are so strong,even if he's an alien. Fine,credit goes to Daisy,she left me a backdoor open to their files.

Mentally, I'm married to him (yes an utter exaggeration – we haven't even officially met), physically I'm not because a) He doesn't know me and b) I think he likes Hazelline Levichignnon the half Krylorian girl – and I don't blame him,she's incredibly pretty and kind. Maybe I'm just like this because it's been ages since I've met another teenager.

Honestly being a teenager isn't that great.It's awfully romanticised. So watch out kids.Who am I even talking to? Let's just say it's a soliloquy.

They both talked a suspiciously large amount about each other. I'm not jealous or anything.

Right now, I wanted to spend time with Mack and May. They don't usually hang out together of course.

"Hey Mack!" I gave him a quick hug.

"Kiara! How's my favourite superhuman?"

"I'm good thank you.How are you Mr Mack-Machine?"I replied,looking up at him with a cheeky smile.Well, almost everybody looks up to him.They have to because he's so tall.

"Glad to be back on Earth.Now what do you need?"Mack said.

"I don't need anything-"

"Uh uh.That hug wasn't for nothing."

"Can't I just hug you because I feel like it?" I whined,put out that he thought so little of me. I can be nice you know. I'm just not very often anymore,mainly because I don't think I'm good person. I mean,I accidentally murdered hundreds of people after saving them. In conclusion,I am definitely not a good person so there's no point in trying.

"Absolutely.But I know you want something sugar plum.Now out with it."Okay Mack probably meant that I don't hug people much because it's emotionally exhausting and mostly only hug to get something out of them.


"There it is!"

I shot him a slight glare before continuing,"Well,I wanted to know why you didn't invite me to dinner last night when you all got back."


"Tell me the truth.I felt your molecular densities."I commanded.

"That's a bit creepy..."He said taking a pause to give me a strange look ; then huffed and continued,"We have another new person on board.Do you wanna meet her?"

"Yes!"I said ,exasperated we had yet another person on board.I felt less special by the second. Sometimes I just want them to myself.

Was I selfish? Probably.

"She's a bit much so don't be alarmed okay."Mack informed me as he led me through the corridors.

He knocked twice on a bunk door. The door opened immediately to reveal a young woman about Deke's age.

"Hello Kiara Darren."

I blinked rapidly and took an abrupt step back.She was wearing an avenger tee and not looking like a threat.

"How do you know my name?"I asked,effortfully keeping a polite tone.
"I'm indirectly your guardian too."

What the frickity-frickaty-toodle-snippety-snappety is this?

In my experience,it's never been good news if someone knows who I am before I introduce myself.

"I mean you no harm Kiara Darren.I'm assigned to look after the agents of shield on this ship and as they are looking after you,my duty extends to you.Do you understand?"She said with a little tentativity.

I nodded briefly noticing her purple eyes with something glittery in them. Woah. And I thought mine were cool!

"My name is Anaiya."She held out a hand.

"Kiara."I said and shook it.

This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

((Ooh a love triangle.Yep it's cliche but- 

That was almost a spoiler,phew!))

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