Chapter 4: a disgusting presence

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((Amazing art by my friend: Ireadsometimes0k 🤩🤩🤩))

My mind is a prison.My life is a prison.This room is a prison.

Existence is cruel.Life is suffering.

I'm not overreacting.I'm hungry.

And very bored.This is the longest anyone has left me alone.It's been 3 days since I was brought here,according to the calendar.

Also they've given me some normal clothes.Not a plain top and bottom.
And they let me shower!

Maybe they're not so bad...

The door opens and in comes Daisy with a tray of food.
I hope to hide the ravenous look in my eyes but my stomach rumbles loudly,betraying how hungry I am.

"Wow.Someone's hungry."
I just grunt in confirmation and continue shamelessly stuffing my face. 

Bread and butter has never tasted so good in my life.They've also provide salad,hummus,crackers and cheese and a sliver of chocolate cake.

It could've been poisoned.I'll suffer the consequences later.

"That must be record time."
"Hope so.I'm practising for the Guinness world records"I reply cockily.

"So we have Kai Dallagher..."
"Prove it."Isaid simply,after slyly licking a crumb off my finger.
"Mack and May come in."Daisy says,pressing a finger to her ear.Must be an earpiece.It doesn't even look like it's there.
Pretty cool!

The door opens.Mack and May drag in a bruised Kai Dallagher.He speaks slurring,"Chicken nuggets,I solemnly swear I'm up to no good."

It's our code for I've got a plan to escape.
I walk over to him and punch him in the ribs.A satisfying crack sounds.

"You lying,"punch,"cheating,",punch,"greedy scoundrel,"mega punch.
"Hey.Hey!Let's calm down."Daisy says.

"No thank you.He sold me out to the kidnappers and helped me escape and then let me get caught again and then got paid.He USED me!"I shouted and kicked him.

"My lord he almost sounds worse than Ward."Daisy muttered under her breath.

Mack and May got rid of the filthy presence promptly after my outburst.

"Now you ready to talk?"
"Not quite.Did you pay him as well?
"What?No!"Daisy said.She looked surprised and her eyes told the truth.

"Ok then.Ask away Daisy."I said,leaning back and folding my arms.
"Let's start simple.Name?"
"Kiara.Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet to you too.Age?"
"How did they die?"
I took a deep breath before reciting my problem story,"So my mum gave me a necklace with a pretty blue crystal on it for my 11th birthday.I wore it all the time...We were on holiday and there was a person with a gun threatening everyone on the train.Mum said to crush the crystal if you feel it's a life or death situation.The person had already shot a few people so I crushed the crystal.Then I became a weird tar thing and after that I was able to manipulate the molecular density of myself and objects.Long story short,we were exiting the station and I somehow made the building collapse and killed my family and may other people." That came out really fast and suprisingly coherently enough.

"It's not your fault.You didn't know how to control it."
"Tell that to the dead."I was a murderer and deserved every bullet and knife.
"Well you can do good to weigh out the bad."
I laughed bitterly.
"I didn't sign up for therapy.Back to the questions please."Perhaps I was too curt,Daisy had shown me nothing but kindness.
"Right.Sorry...What is you relationship with Kai Dallagher?"
"I want to beat him up so bad that he never walks again."
"Ex boyfriend?"
"Yes.Also conniving bastard."
"I have one of those too."
I smiled.I see why she didn't stop me from pummelling him.

She brought out a tablet and asked me,"Who are these people?"
Huh.These are mostly open ended questions.

"3 boys and me."
"Who are they to you?"
"One's clearly Kai.This one is Ashwin,my family friend and this one is Kai's little brother."
"Where would they be now?"
"As soon as I realised it was Kai selling me out,I set Ashwin up somewhere relatively safe,and faraway from where I was.Kai did the same for his brother."
"Ashwin's in North Carolina?"
"So he should be?"
"He should be wherever he's safe."
"I brought you something for a little light reading.And a questionnaire to fill out.We'd like the questionnaire completed by tomorrow at the latest."Daisy handed me another tablet."You just have to speak and it will fill it out or you can type it.And this file is contains a short history of shield.Hopefully you can find a reason to trust us then.Have a good night.Is there anything else you need?"
"May I have some more food?"
"Of course you may."she said smiling and left. Huh. Interesting.

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