Chapter 25:sirens

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"Are you ready kids?"Coulson asked.

"Aye Aye Captain."I chirped whilst everyone else gave a limp cheer.Perhaps I was being too cheerful.

"Hey Smurfette.C'mere for a sec."Daisy said pulling me aside.

"Have you got all your extras?"

"Okay we'll be right outside.Of course we can't get in because of the age authenticator which you will remove as well as all security measures as soon as you get to the control centre.Anyway if you have any doubts just say so and we can communicate with the audiopieces."

"I know Daisy."I said.

"Ok."She let out a breath to calm herself and carried on," I'm going to miss you so much!"
"I'm gonna miss you too mum."I said and hugged her.

We made final checks for equipment and boarded a space Zephyr.

Needless to say I was not prepared and was the density of ghost for the following 20 minutes after launch and reassumed ghost-form every time we made a light-speed jump.This meant when we finally came to cruising,I had to spend all that time scrambling around on the floor looking for my audiopiece.

"Is everything okay there Captain Kiara?Remember that we are right behind you."Coulson said through the control panel,a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead.Skylar who was seated to my left was staring at me trying to figure out if he had seen what he thought he had. Ariefli was behind me so she hadn't seen my phasing however Hazelline was across from her.Hazelline has no reason to look at me so I think the secret's safe for now.

"Everything's fine gramps."I said trying to sound as reassuring and confident as possible. The spaceship is remotely piloted,by May(of course), but there's a manual override for emergencies which why Skylar and I are at seated at the front.We have the most experience in driving.

"Okay.You'll be docking soon.So go get yourselves ready."Coulson said.

"Right then.See you soon!"I said and unbuckled my seat.I was so unsteady on my feet when I got up,I fell toward Skylar who had also just about managed to stand up.We weren't awfully balanced but didn't fall over...well that was until the ship suddenly tilted left and so did we.Sending the lump that was us straight to the metal floor. There would've been a slim chance that I could've avoided faceplanting into someone's chest had someone not wrapped their arms around me.

"Are you two okay?"Ariefli asked worriedly,rushing to affirm our wellbeing.She's really sweet.We had got on pretty well in class even though it was awkward talking across Hazelline who just refused to meet my eyes for some reason.I don' know if she hates me but she did keep discreetly trying to get me to concentrate.

"I'm sure they're fine.Besides look how they're gazing into each others' eyes."Hazelline said with annoyance.Hmm what's up with her?

I can't figure her out.Hazelline being an alien does not effect the matter especially as all of us are. 


Surprisingly we got through the border checks pretty easily as we claimed to be supplying blue.A little bribery of blue here and there got us a smooth transition,completely unnoticed by the superiors. Other than being raided for extra blue as soon as we reached the main corridor,we didn't really get hurt.

Daisy was talking almost the whole time,asking me to tell her exactly what I see.It was a little annoying because do you really need to know about the distance between each quantex battery?"You see that red lever?Pull it and someone has to guard it."

"I'll do it."Skylar spoke up first."I know my way around easy.I'll get to you guys later." I mean he did live in this section for most of his life.

"Besides.You girls catch too much attention.You lot are awfully clean and well maintained for one of us which could only mean you're a companion.And that assumption does not lead to anything mildly good."Skylar extended his argument."And Ariefli is very one of a kind being a Sovereigner."

"Kiara.You're calling the shots here."Daisy reminded me.To which Hazelline rolled her eyes.We're gonna have a good team chat after this – to think my countless board game nights went to waste. I can't read the vibe from Hazelline.

"Okay.Skylar we'll see you later then."

"Yeah.See you."

We began to leave but Skylar grabbed my wrist and started whispering,"Hey,I was wondering if I could take you out after this?"

My lips met his pale blue cheek in a moment of confidence accompanied by the pre-existing adrenaline rush,"Sure."

He gave me a smile so genuine that I almost forgot my task.

We waved each other bye and were on our way. Ariefli and Daisy teased me mercilessly whilst Hazelline looked ready to kill.She had been on high alert since we arrived but even more as we neared the control centre.

I never got around to reading her case file. I guess I'll have to get to know her the old-fashoined way.

The see through doors opened onto a long white platform.It seemed sterile and utterly sacrred unlike the rest of this place. A part of me wanted to remove my shoes in respect for I don't know what.

My audiopiece frazzled as we stepped through the door but reconnected with little difficulty.

All of a sudden,the entire room was bathed in red light as sirens blared from every direction.

"What?What's happening?We haven't even touched the control centre yet!"I said panickedly.

"We're working on it."Daisy said.

"I'm sorry Kiara.You deserve better.But I'm not the one to give it to you."Skylar said through his audiopiece in my ear.It was a seemingly sincere statement.

"That son of a b*tch!"Coulson said.

"You're trash dipped in sewage water."Ariefli said behind me.

"Dam* right."Daisy said.

"When I find him I will crush every single one of his bones."May said darkly.Perhaps it was a little dramatic? Skylar wasn't half as bad as Kai.At least that's the way I look at it.

I sighed.I can't believe it happened twice."Gosh darn it."I kicked the floor."Why do I have a knack for attracting attractive arseholes."

"It's probably because you're so darn pretty."Hazel muttered.

I blinked.Is that what just happened?

((heheheh.I hope you enjoyed that readers!))

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