Chapter 32:legends never die

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((Disclaimer:I don't own that lyric in the chapter title.))

Simmons activates the defribrillator for the 7th time but Kiara's heartbeat keeps fading.

"Fitz,that's the highest voltage it will go with the resistors right?"

"Jemma if we go any higher she would burn."

"No Fitz.Reverse the transformer or something we need to increase the power."

"Jemma are you out of your mind?The ship could be torn apart if she doesn't absorb it."

"We have to try."Daisy said her voice cracking.

"Fitz.Can you or can you not increase the power?"Coulson asked.

"I-.I can."He replied.

"Then do it genius."Yoyo said, annoyed that there was even a question in the first place.

"Fitz is right though,the voltage could tear the ship apart.And then no one would be alive."Mack said worriedly.

"Unless-."An idea sparked in Fitz' head."Mack you work on the transformer,I need some cables giant ones.I'm going to reroute the power once we find the cables."

Yoyo rushes to the Kree factory and grabs all the cables she sees and is back almost instantly.

"Wow.I keep forgetting you can do that."Fitz said sorting through the pile.


Everything is set up."Mack you've got to trust me on this."
"Look Fitz,you would've never got this far if I didn't and-"

"Eh hem.If you two could stop your bromancing and save Kiara please?"Yoyo said,interrupting what would've been a very heartfelt exchange.

"Thank you Yoyo.Exactly what was on my mind!"Jemma said annoyed.Her new extra insulation outfit wasn't the least bit comfortable.

"Ok."Fitz breathed,"Now!" He slapped the lever down and the cables and defribrillator buzzed with anticipation.

As soon as the smooth plates of the defribrillator touched Kiara, she began to glow with life, blinding everyone temporarily.

30 seconds pass and finally the heartrate monitor announces a steady beep-beep and everyone let out a simultaneous sigh of relief.

"Right,let's get on schedule."Coulson announced.

"I'm going to put Kiara in the cryofreezer cradle.It would be the safest option until we reach Earth.Okay Daisy?"Simmons said.

"Yeah sure.We can 'defrost' her soon enough."Daisy said, finally cracking a smile.

((Hang in there everyone...))

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