Chapter 13: SPEG mission (part 2)

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((translation in bold))

The two assassins locked eyes. Their mental conversation seemed to go like this:

What's this kid doing here?

That's no kid.It's an accomplice.

Well then ,we ought to take her down to the boss.

I used that time to climb up to the middle beam. A stupid decision really. Especially considering, I have no gymnastical training.

I'm at halfway across and see the assassins aiming their weapons( the woman had a nanotech box that unfolded into an exquisite crossbow and the man had a handgun- I'm not sure what kind). Great!I thought.

The mercenaries are yet to be alerted but James has certainly noticed me. He steals a secretive glance every few moments.

"Kid!"The man said,still pointing his handgun at me."Come here. I promise we won't hurt you if you come here."His southwest American accent shined strong.

"Lo siento. No hablo ingles." I reply sweetly, loosening the bolts.(Sorry.I don't speak English.)

They still hesitate to take a shot.

The first bolt comes loose.I pocket it.

There's two more to go.

The 'boss' looks up at the beam and sees me. I pay no heed and pull the second giant metal screw out and begin the last one.

Ok, I'm out of time.

I carefully stand up and jump hard on the old timber beam. It's creaking.

I jump harder a couple more times and suddenly it gives. There is nothing beneath but air. I feel like I'm comically suspended like in a cartoon.

My fingers latch on to the edge of the beam as gravity begins to do it's job.

If I'd looked then,I'd see the panic and aggression in the faces of the people I assumed to be assassins, and mercenaries ; contrasted to the slightly impressed look of the transactors below.Is that even a word? People who transact? Well it should be. Even though I don't think it actually is.

The width of the beam is much bigger than my hands. Then I hear the dreaded snap and throw my weight forward to the haystack.

Now I'm down. What do I do? Carry on the cover story as a Spanish girl who happened to be here.

A dumb idea in hindsight but I didn't have many other options.

"Hola. Me llamo Juana y me perdido." Using puppy eyes and the sweetest most innocent voice I could muster.(Hello.My name is Juana and I'm lost.)

"¿Oh enserio? Luego te llevare a casa despues.¿Si?"The 'boss' said.(Oh really? Then I'll return you to your home after.)

"Si. Gracias."I reply. (Yes thank you.)

After a beat,"What do you take me for? A fool?"He said sarcastically.Then he let out a bellowing laugh. Soon after,he gestures to his mercenaries to grab me. I stand there pretend confused.A last attempt at my persona. Even if I ran,we don't have the file yet. That's priority.

"¡Déjadme ir, brutos! ¡Déjadme ir! ¡Déjadme ir!" I shout whilst struggling.(Let go of me brutes!Let go of me!Let go of me!)

After another hearty laugh he spoke,"You just don't know when to give up do you?"

"¡Déjadme ir! ¡Tu hijo de la ching*da!"I shout back. My feet don't even touch the ground in all my struggling.(Let go of me!You son of a b*tch.)

"Wow you have a dirty mouth chica."

"Eres hijo de las mil put*s"I say back at him,proving him right.Why learn swears in other languages if I'm never going to use them? (You are a son of a thousand wh*res)

"Now back to our transaction."The man said,clasping his hands together."Which is now cancelled because you broke our rules of agreement."

"Hey. I don't even know who that Spanish kid is. She must've snuck in here."

"Uh huh.Answer how she got access to a bulletproof vest then."

"That's not a question I need to answer. I have no idea who this girl is! I really hoped for a good deal today Richard."James said.

"So did I, Alex. But you compromised it. The girl wasn't here when we first got here so either you brought her here or she followed you.Which in turn, makes you responsible."he said,emphasising the word you everytime.

"How about I take care of her after this and we can finish this transaction.""Tempting...Alright you've got yourself a deal,except I take care of her."He said. My blood froze and my heart leapt to my throat. He agreed much to quickly. Something's not right.James made brief eye contact with me.Then his eyes darted to the window I came from.I gave a slight nod which was masked with my simultaneous baring of teeth.It wasn't hard to muster up that hate. My day hadn't been the very best.

Richard negotiates,"The trunk first."Richard opened a laptop bag and brought out a yellow file ; at the same time James took off his backpack, on one shoulder and brought out a miniature briefcase . It almost looked like a child's dress up toy. I kept my questions to myself. 

As soon as the briefcase had been handed over, Richard gestures to his nearest guards,"I'm sorry it had to end this way.

Wait what?!

"I decided I'm not going to keep my end of the bargain either. I guess we are in fact alike. Goodbye Alex. And for the record, this is the best deal ever! It was an absolute pleasure, doing business with you." A shot is fired at Alex's arm,he takes this as a cue to run. 

Perfect.Please note the sarcasm.

I bite down hard on the guard to my left and swing a punch to the one on his right,directed to his eyes.They scream in pain and straight up bawl like I stole their Halloween sweets. Which I would never do. Throwing hands sure, but stealing, nuh uh. Especially not hard-earned sweets. Honestly, some people can be so stingy on Halloween. One time- Okay I need to concentrate. All of their concentration is on James ,a clearly bigger(literally) threat than me,so I make for the stairs and ascend a level, the assailants hot on my heels. 

They may run fast, but they've never run as fast as me trying to make it through a section of private property, whilst Dan's six german sheperds chase me because I'm late for the train. Yep I trespass on a daily basis but I think Dan finds it entertaining; perhaps even endearing, as he never tells me off( I even saw him eating popcorn once). After all, his sign says cross at your own risk. It was practically an invitation. Again, I'm digressing.

((Only one more part of the SPEG mission to go . :D

The actual story is alost here,please hang in there. It will be worth it :)) ))

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