Chapter 29:promise

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"So you're saying we get the message into their water supply and make it so only people under 18 wil absorb the message.And then we give them time to revolt and plan.Daisy do you realise how many uncertainties are in that plan?Can't we tailor it to just reach Kiara?"Simmons asked with tired sigh.

They all turned to face Apah now,"I've never done this sort of thing before.I don't want to hurt Kiara by accident, and there's a greater chance of that if I try to,as you put it,'tailor it'."Apah said.

"Do you think you could try maybe? It would be most ideal."Fitz coaxed.

"This isn't maths Mr Fitz.There isn't a formula to this.Each person is so unique.And it's even harder because I need to keep this message alive through the system before it reaches her."Apah said firmly,crossing her arms.

"Like I said before,it might be no point just getting the message to only Kiara as her team doesn't have the numbers for such an overload of systems. Our best bet is to instigate some form of revolution.We will send aid through their blue supplies and make them all immune so they believe it.And even if they don't side with Kiara,the chaos should be distraction enough."

"We have need all this done by the end of the week because word is their in the serving halls now."Coulson said tightly.

"And you know this how?"Simmons asked.

"A little bastard sent us a message an hour ago."May said fisting her hands.

Daisy scoffed."And we believe him because?"

"He's got no more reason to lie."Coulson said firmly."Now,you better get that message in the system."


I understand why they lit up at the prospect of serving.

You can sneakily eat the food when no one is looking, but if one of the diners catch you...

Let's say I learned that the hard way and now the left half of my face is swollen red.Of course,they don't provide the courtesy of an ice pack.

Now I make sure to steal food from the weedier ones instead. It's only a few grains of the sawdust mixture each time but if one of the larger,stronger kids notice,it doesn't end well.

This 9-year-old boy called Mev joined us on serving duty today on our 2nd day and he's so malnourished he would snap in half if you touched him. The others didn't even let him touch his food.They stole it before he'd even had a chance yesterday.We're serving in the senior hall(14-18) so it's strange Mev is even here.

I know Mev did something bad for that.I can see it in the way the juniors scramble away from him and the respect the Kree soldiers give him in the entrances.

I've sort of taken him under my wing. I don't really know why.

I pass Mev a piece of unsightly ground meat that I snuck from a packet and he discreetly takes it,thanking me with a nod.

I suppose I ought to make more alliances, now that my brain isn't so foggy.

"I know you're not one of us.Are you here to get us out golden-eyed girl?" One of the boys serving with us asks me when he brushes past. There are 6 of us in total: Ariefli(who is staying in the store room distribution with Hazelline and one of the boys),Hazelline,Mev,Me and 2 more boys.

"I'm Teki."He said, facing the packets behind me.Teki had inky skin with patches lighter.Vitilligo,I believe it's called.And he wears it beautifully.

"Kiara."I said, before I could stop myself."And yes I'm here to get us out."

Tomorrow you will feel no effects of the blue but pretend you still do.You will be saved.Drink the vials hidden in the blue and find the leader.She is not one of you.She is the golden-eyed girl flecked with silver, here to save you all.She knows all the answers.

Did I just hear that right? The water doesn't taste or smell funny at all.I take another sip and the voice trickles in my head again.It sounds like the voice water would have if it could speak.Clear,smooth,powerful,intimidating,comforting.

And I know this voice.Hmmm.

Apah? It's Apah!

So Teki must've got the message before me and so must the diners because they're anxiously stumbling around.

A small person approaches me,swiping something into my hand before making a quick getaway.

I open my palm to see a sliver of coarse,weathered,engraved material ,similar to plastic.It had been thrust with such force that it was embedded in my palm,causing blood to trickle down my hand.

I finish my glass of water and clean my palm at the nearest water station. I'm over getting bothered by cuts. I still hate needles though,they're sneaky.

"You're it."

"You're her."People whisper as they go by.

Some give pledging nods and swear their allegiance.

Some throw me dirty looks.Some give me death threats.

A hand roughly grabs my shirt and pulls me up to their height.I squeeze my eyes shut reflexively. Whatever the scary thing is,I don't want to know anymore.

I wish the monsters would stop taking me.Tough luck champ.

"Open your eyes."The male voice announces. People are the scariest creatures of them all.

"We need to know if you're the one."Another voice announces.The voice sounds like it belongs to a female English teacher in the making.

"Oh cmon Kiara,we haven't got all day."Skylar's voice states impatiently. I kick in his vague direction but miss.Dam* my short legs.

I wonder how long I can go with just being suspended in the air like this.

"Let her go Tylos."Hazelline's voice cuts through,deadly as a knife.

"Or what?"Tylos,the guy holding me in the air says bravely.

"You will let her go Tylos."Mev commands,joining Hazelline.

I'm promptly dropped on the hard concrete-like floor.

"We know it's her Mev.And I'll give you a warning.They'll come for her. You might be able to order us about but they'll come for her tomorrow if the vials are there or aren't. And nothing will stop them."The teacher sounding one says helping me up whilst I keep my eyes closed.

When Hazelline whispers,"We got you.", I open my eyes to her reassuring purple ones.

I was never really scared of people my age,after all we should have something in common.Younger people would experience what I've already experienced.They would certainly be predictable to some extent, I thought.

Today I learned that it is best to be wary of everyone and I really did not miss being moved without my consent.I kind of want to cry right about now but the spectators look at me with such hope and trust I could not possibly prove to be a disappointing leader.

I stare each one of them in the eye with enough ferocity and promise that they break their stare almost straightaway.

"Come now Kiara,we have matters to discuss."Mev says with the stance of a general.

I'm tired.And I'm f*cking terrified.

But I'm glad it's always me.

((Thank you for reading and I'm sorry i took ages for this update! I have many many exams :/  

I hope y'all are doing okay :D If not you can chat to me if you like. Much comfort and luck to you guys. <3 <3

Signing off!))

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