Protective Mumma (February 2013)

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Harry: 19

Camryn: 18, 13 weeks pregnant

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Camryn: 18, 13 weeks pregnant

Camryn: 18, 13 weeks pregnant

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Darcy: 22 months

"Dada!"Darcy exclaims pointing up into the sky to see the little birds flying above them. Harry chuckles and looks at the birds that she's pointing to, "are those birds? What do birds say?"
Darcy looks at Harry, wrapping her arms tighter around his neck and nuzzles her nose against Harry's, "tweet tweet."

"That's right,"Harry smiles proudly, kissing her lightly on the lips, "you're so smart. You're my smart girl, huh?" Darcy blushes proudly and nuzzles her cheek against Harry's.

"Did you have fun at the park?"Harry coos, his forehead against Darcy's as he holds her in his arms in front of him, her legs wrapped around his stomach.

"Swide!"Darcy babbles, looking into Harry's green eyes.

"Slide? Was that your favorite part? Yeah? We went down the slide a lot, huh? And what about the swings? You made me push you in those for a long time,"Harry continues their little conversation as he walks them down the sidewalk, turning onto the street that their house is on.

Darcy realizes where they are and starts bouncing in Harry's arms, "mama! Mama!"

Harry chuckles and pulls her pink beanie tighter over her curls to make sure she's not cold in the London breeze, "mumma! Yeah let's go see mumma."

Since Harry had a day off today he decided to spend a little one on one time with Darcy and take her to the park after they ate breakfast which also allowed Camryn to have some much needed alone time.

"Guess what, Darce,"Harry smirks looking at her big blue eyes as they return to his green ones. "Nana is coming to play today!"

Darcy's jaw drops and her eyes light up as she squeals, "Nana!"

Harry laughs and nods his head as Darcy continues to squirm and squeal in his arms in excitement, "Nana is gonna come and play with you all weekend, won't that be so fun?"
Harry carries her up to the front door, carefully taking one arm from around her to fish in his sweatpants pocket for his keys. They walk into the hall, stopping by the closet as Harry sets Darcy onto the floor and begins to unzip her coat as she stands patiently, watching him.

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