Roadtrip with 1D (October 2012)

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Harry: 18 Liam: 19Niall:19 Zayn: 19 Louis: 20 Camryn: 18Darcy: 18 months

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Harry: 18
Liam: 19
Zayn: 19
Louis: 20
Camryn: 18
Darcy: 18 months

"Are you insane?"Harry laughs at Niall as the group sits in Camryn and Harry's living room. Harry puts his arm around Camryn before continuing, "like have you actually lost your mind?"

"What? You don't think it would be fun?"Niall asks, his eyes traveling around the group to see their reactions. It looks like no one agrees with him.

"Let me get this straight,"Liam says leaning his back against the wall, "you want all of us,"he motions to everyone in the room, "to go on a road trip and ALL sleep in the back of the car on a mattress?"

"Yes!"Niall exclaims, nodding his head rapidly, "wouldn't that be so fun?!"

"You seriously think 6 teenagers and a toddler can fit on a single mattress in the back of a van?"Zayn cocks his eyebrows up while he plays with Darcy and her stuff animals on the floor.

"We could do it!"Niall laughs, "just a bit of snuggling!"

"Niall, listen closely okay? I don't want you to miss what I'm about to say,"Louis says a bit sternly making sure he has Niall's attention and leaning forward a bit to meet his gaze, "hell. No."

"Oh come on guys! You're no fun!"Niall playfully frowns and crosses his arms.

"I mean, it might be fun,"Camryn pipes into the conversation, looking at Harry. "Nope, nope, nope,"Harry shakes his head at Camryn and brings his hand to cover her mouth.

"See!" Niall throws his arms towards Camryn, "Cami is on my side! C'mon guys, it will be fun!"

"I don't want to sleep with these two!" Louis points to Camryn and Harry snuggling on the couch next to him. "I don't need to hear them kissing all night and be reminded of how single I am."

"What do you think, little miss?"Liam asks sitting down next to Zayn and picking up a stuffed animal to begin playing with Zayn and Darcy. "Should we do it?"

Darcy looks up at Liam, hugging a stuffed frog to her chest, she wasn't listening at all to the conversation and even if she was she wouldn't understand it. "Umm nope."

The boys start laughing and Louis throws his arms in Darcy's direction, "see? She's not even 2 and even she knows that it would be a bad idea."

Niall frowns and lays his back against the couch, "but, I already rented the van."

"Niall!"Harry snaps his head towards Niall. "You already rented the van? Without even making sure we wanted to go?"

"Well, yeah,"Niall admits a bit sheepishly, "you guys kinda have to go now don't you?"

Harry sighs and looks at Camryn who nods with a small smile. "Fine,"Harry relents after being urged by Camryn's expression, "Cam, Darcy and I are in."

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