Bowie's Birth Pt. 2 (February 2016)

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February 8- Day Three of Labor

1:00 PM 6 Centimeters

"He's lower,"Camryn murmurs, her cheek against Harry's chest, in between the two tattooed birds that adorn it.

Camryn decided that she needed to rest in the bathtub for a bit after having a bit of a breakdown about her lack of progress and the amount of pain she's in. When getting in she decided that she wanted Harry to hold her. She's laying on top of him, her bare chest pressed against his, her legs intertwined with his. His left hand travels up and down her back while his right hand holds hers, resting it against his chest next to her head.

"Is he?"Harry asks, "that's good. He wants to meet you."

"Oh I don't want another one,"Camryn whines as she feels her stomach begin to tighten. It was so nice just being able to lay in Harry's arms, completely relaxed with the water helping her aching back and the fact that that is being taken away from her makes her want to sob.

"It's okay,"Harry assures her, "look at me, watch me. You've got this."

Camryn looks up at him as she begins to tighten against his body, her face screwing up in pain.
"I can't,"Camryn moans, "ohhhhh Harry! Baby, I can't!" Camryn lets out a shrill yell followed by high pitched whimpers as Harry tries to remind her to breathe.

"Low sounds, Cam. Low sounds are going to bring him out,"Harry reminds her gently, squeezing her hand, "low moan, Cam, you got it, bug."

"It's not stopping! Harry, make it stop!"Camryn groans out gripping his hand and using her free hand to claw at his chest.

"It's almost gone...I know...I'm so sorry."Harry whispers in response to Camryn's pained whimpers.

Camryn relaxes against Harry's body once it goes away. She takes his hand and drags it right in between her lower stomach and her privates, "can you keep it there? I need pressure there."
Harry nods, applying a bit of pressure while kissing her forehead.

"I just wanna push him out,"Camryn whimpers, "I need him out."

"Do you feel like you have to push?"Harry inquires, hoping that the answer is yes, but he knows it's not. She's not in enough pain yet to signal pushing, and he knows it.

"No,"Camryn shakes her head gently against Harry's chest, "there's a lot of pressure but I don't feel like I need to push yet."

6:00 PM 7 Centimeters

"I've got a surprise for you,"Harry hums into Camryn's ear as she whimpers during the end of a contraction.

Camryn has yet again found a bit of relief in kneeling in the bathtub, throwing her arms around Harry's neck whenever a contraction comes. They got out of the bath around 3 and then around 5, after a lot of pacing around the house and the intensity of her contractions hitting a new height, she decided she needed the comforts of the water again.

"Hmm?"Camryn tiredly asks looking up at Harry.

"Your babies came to see you,"Harry grins a bit at Camryn and kisses her forehead gently.

Her eyes light up as she looks at Harry, "can I see them?"

Harry smiles, pulling away from Camryn, "I'll go get them."


"Hi guys,"Harry greets lowly, his voice a bit shot from being up for almost three days straight, "how are my babies?"

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