I'll Be Your Dad Forever (March 2029)

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Harry: 35
Camryn: 34
Darcy: 17, 14 weeks pregnant
Lennon: 15
Auggie: 14
Bowie: 13
Morgan: 12
Calum: 11
Bindi: 8

❤️thank you so much to @Audrey13tpwk and @kiantrans for coming up with the idea for this chapter! I appreciate you both so much!! And thank you so much to 1D_HarryP for requesting the first scene in this chapter a while back!! You're amazing babes!❤️

He wakes up to the sound of gagging and heaving along with a splash in the toilet that makes his own stomach churn ominously. It's moments like these that he curses his parents for giving him the room right next to the bathroom since he's been woken up like this pretty much every day for the past fourteen weeks of his big sister's pregnancy.

She sadly seems to have inherited Camryn's brutal morning sickness, although luckily it seems to be a bit less brutal than Camryn's pregnancy was with Darcy where she ended up in the hospital multiple times. There have luckily been no hospital visits for Darcy so far, and the Styles family prays that it will continue that way.

He sighs and sits up from his bed, rubbing his eyes with the heels of his palms as he stands up from his bed, slumping towards the door to go check on Darcy. He stumbles out of the room and towards the bathroom, quietly tapping his knuckles against the door as he leans his shoulder against it, hearing another loud hack fall from Darcy's mouth before she coughs violently.

He's never been one for puke, in fact he's by far the worst of the Styles when it comes to puke and has been known to be a sympathy puker, but his love and need to protect his older sister far outweighs his hatred of vomit.

"D, you okay? Do you need me?"Lennon croaks out through his tired voice as his eyes heavily blink, one of his sleep messed curls falling into his face.

"Yeah,"Darcy's voice pleads feebly, desperately needing someone to comfort her as she kneels in front of the toilet, completely slumped over on it.

Lennon pushes the door open and blinks his eyes at the muted lights in the bathroom that seem to be offending his tired eyes, looking at his big sister's trembling back that's covered by an oversized sleep shirt, her head still buried into the toilet bowl.

"Hey D,"Lennon whispers, kneeling down behind Darcy and rubbing his hand up and down her back as she continues to heavily breathe into the toilet bowl. "I've gotcha. Can I get you something? Water? A cool cloth?"

"Yeah,"Darcy chokes out before coughing and spitting into the toilet, her arms trembling as she grips onto the rim of the toilet bowl with her hands.

Lennon stands up and walks over to the sink, filling up the plastic cup by the faucet that they keep there just for Darcy's early morning pukes where she gets dehydrated fast. He then takes a rag from one of the cabinets below the sink and wets it with the cool water before sitting back down beside Darcy who's finally able to raise her head from the toilet, blearily looking over at Lennon with the most exhausted eyes.

"Is it hell?"Lennon questions, handing Darcy the cup as her shaky hand takes it from him, raising it to her lips as she takes cautious sips that she knows will just come back up in a few minutes.

"Hell,"Darcy confirms with a little sniffle as a few tears roll down her cheeks from exhaustion and disgust. "They better be f*cking worth it."

"They will be,"Lennon chuckles softly as he reaches up to tuck a strand of Darcy's curly brown hair behind her ear. "Do you want your hair up?"

"Yeah, thanks,"Darcy murmurs, holding her arm out for Lennon to be able to take the hairband off of her wrist as he crawls to sit behind her, gathering her curly hair in his hands and pulling it back into a little ponytail that's quite disheveled considering his lack of experience with working with long hair.

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