First Kicks (December 2010)

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Harry: 16

Camryn: 16, 16 weeks pregnant Camryn's bump size

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Camryn: 16, 16 weeks pregnant
Camryn's bump size

"Harry I-"Camryn begins as Harry presses his ear to her stomach again

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"Harry I-"Camryn begins as Harry presses his ear to her stomach again.

"Shh,"Harry interrupts, "I think I've almost got her to kick."

"Harry, the doctor said that it could take up to 25 weeks before we feel her,"Camryn giggles.

"Nope nope nope,"Harry shakes his head resting his chin on top of Camryn's protruding belly and looking at her, "I'm gonna feel my little girl today I know it."

"Are we gonna spend all day in bed just waiting,"Camryn smirks putting her hands in his sleep-messed curls.

"Yes. Yes we are,"Harry responds, gently putting his lips on her belly, "this is how I wanna spend my day off."

"Okay Mister,"Camryn agrees, "but if we're gonna spend all day in here I gotta get a bit more comfortable."

Camryn scoots up so that she's slouching against the wooden frame of the bed. Harry waits until she's done readjusting before scooting up higher on the bed, laying on his stomach and pressing his cheek against her bare bump.

"Darcy, love,"Harry coos with both hands on Camryn's bump, "can you please kick for me? Can you please kick for daddy?"

Camryn and Harry go still as they wait to see if Darcy will respond. After a few seconds Camryn sighs and smiles disappointedly at Harry, "I don't know if this is gonna work, babe."

"Such little faith in me,"Harry shakes his head at Camryn with his dimples appearing, "just give me a second, she'll listen to me eventually."

"I think she's already showing us that she's stubborn and not gonna listen to her daddy,"Camryn laughs putting her hands on top of Harry's on her stomach.

"Is that true, Darcy,"Harry asks bringing his face closer to the bump, "are you not gonna listen to mummy and daddy?"

Harry takes a finger and gently pokes the side of Camryn's stomach, "nothing?"

Camryn shakes her head pouting slightly, "sorry love, I didn't feel her move at all."

"I can't wait till your belly button pops out,"Harry giggles tapping a finger against the tiny hole of Camryn's stomach.

"I can,"Camryn smirks, "because that means I'll be gigantic."

Harry grins up at Camryn, "but Darcy will be bigger too! How cool is that gonna be! I can't wait; I'm so excited!"

Camryn breaks out into a huge smile as she watches Harry's face light up with innocent excitement. He looks like a little boy who's just been told that Christmas is coming early this year. She reaches her hands to cradle Harry's face, "I love you, bubba. It's so cute to watch you be so excited."

Harry looks up at Camryn and then gets a devilish grin on his face, "hey Darcy, I'm gonna tickle you and mummy."

"Harry!"Camryn shrieks as his hands begin to tickle her side, "no! Stop! No!"

Camryn and Harry both burst out into giggles as Harry continues to tickle Camryn's stomach.

"Harry! Stop! Stop!"Camryn shrieks trying to push is hands away.

"Is she kicking?"Harry asking laughing.

Camryn shrieks as his fingers travel to the rise of her bump, "I don't know! I can't tell cuz I'm laughing too hard!"

"Okay, shh shh,"Harry whispers as the room stills and he places a hand on her bump, intently waiting for a kick.

"Please baby girl,"Harry whispers with his lips placed against a freckle on the side of Camryn's stomach.

"Here, let me try,"Camryn says as Harry removes his lips from her tummy. Camryn uses her fingers to gently prod against the skin of her stomach that's beginning to be stretched. She massages her hands up and down the sides of her stomach, right where she feels Darcy's head.

"Here baby,"Camryn whispers taking Harry's hand in her hands and pressing it to her stomach, "just wait a second. I have an idea. Keep it there."

Harry obeys and keeps his hand pressed gently against her skin as she reaches over to grab the cup of ice water sitting on her bedside table. She takes a mighty sip and feels it travel all the way down her throat and into her stomach.

And then, magic happens.

The tiniest rumble of Camryn's stomach happens causing Harry to gasp. "Was that-"

Camryn nods, her eyes filling up with tears as she looks into Harry's eyes that have lit up with unexplainable excitement, "that was your daughter, baby."

"Oh my gosh,"Harry whispers bringing his face closer to Camryn's stomach, "oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh."

As if on cue, Darcy kicks again causing Harry to gasp again and put his other hand on Camryn's stomach too.

"CamCam it's our baby,"Harry squeals looking up at Camryn.

"I know, bubba. Isn't that so cool?"Camryn smiles with her hands going to cradle Harry's face as a tear runs down her cheek.

Harry scoots up enough on the bed to cup Camryn's face in his hands and kiss her lips gently, "its our baby."

"It is. It's our Darcy,"Camryn grins pressing her lips against Harry's again.

Harry breaks away to press his lips against Camryn's stomach again, "Hi Darcy, its daddy. I love you. I love you so much. Mummy loves you so much too. We can't wait for you to get here. We're so excited to meet you. I'm sure you'll be even better than we can imagine."



Thank you for reading!! Love you all and appreciate you more than you'll ever know!! MWAH!

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