Finally Meeting her Father (May 2013)

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Harry: 19Camryn: 19, 26 weeks pregnant

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Harry: 19
Camryn: 19, 26 weeks pregnant

Harry: 19Camryn: 19, 26 weeks pregnant

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Darcy: 2

❤️thank you so much to elliecarterson for requesting this chapter!! You've been with me from the beginning and I appreciate you so so much❤️

"Excuse me, Miss Darcy Anne Styles, how're you doing on this fine evening?"Camryn asks in a posh announcer voice, holding a spatula to her mouth as a microphone before holding it out towards Darcy who's sitting on top of the counter and giggling to herself, swinging her legs back and forth.

"Good,"Darcy indulges with a little smirk, her gapped two front teeth showing as Camryn brings the spatula back to her lips.

"And what are you doing on this fine evening, my darling?"Camryn asks, pointing the spatula back towards Darcy as she rests her free hand on top of her large bump that's stretching one of her blank tank tops to its limit.

"I cookin' wiff mama,"Darcy responds, reaching out to hold the spatula handle right above Camryn's hand. She sniffles, wiping the back of her hand against her nose that's been running for the past few days. "And bawe."

"Oooo, and who is this baby you're talking about, hmm?"Camryn asks, smiling widely at Darcy as the stove behind them bubbles with the pasta pot.

"Bawe brudda,"Darcy lisps, her full lips hitting against the head of the spatula as she looks at Camryn with her big blue eyes, her eyelashes batting across them every so often.

"Oooo, you're gonna get a baby brother, huh?"Camryn beams, speaking into the spatula, "do you know his name?"

"Wenin,"Darcy babbles, throwing her hands up in the air to congratulate herself as she giggles, tucking her chin to her chest proudly.

"Lennon! That's a great name,"Camryn nods with a smirk, placing her hand on her hip, "and what are you cooking here for dinner tonight?"

"Cookin' 'oodles,"Darcy responds, her voice coming out in a little squeak as her dimples pop out full force.

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