Home Alone with Daddy (May 2022)

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Harry: 28Camryn: 28Darcy: 11Lennon: 8 1/2 Auggie: 7 1/2 Bowie: 6Calum: 4Bindi: 2

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Harry: 28
Camryn: 28
Darcy: 11
Lennon: 8 1/2
Auggie: 7 1/2
Bowie: 6
Calum: 4
Bindi: 2

❤️ thank you so much to 00Ijustwannaread00 for requesting this chapter!!❤️

"Are you sure you're okay with all of them,"Camryn questions, her hand lingering on Harry's chest as they pull away from their goodbye kiss. "I really don't have to go..."

"Baby, I'll be fine,"Harry chuckles, shaking his head at Camryn's motherly worry and kissing her forehead as his hands go to her hips. "How hard could it be?"

Camryn scoffs jokingly and shakes her head as he grins down coyly at her. He's completely joking, he knows exactly how hard it can get. Six kids in one house is never easy, and yet Camryn seems to deal with it so effortlessly.

"Alright, cocky boy,"Camryn giggles, patting his chest, "you have fun. Especially have fun with Beenie because she is going on day three of her nap strike and is oh so happy today."

"Lovely,"Harry chuckles, pressing another kiss to Camryn's lips and traveling his hands down to squeeze her butt cheeks once.

"Eh!"Gemma's voice is heard from around the corner and Harry quickly moves his hands up to rest on Camryn's back. "Don't think I didn't see that, bubba! Leave it for the bedroom..."she rocks her hips as a very tired and yet stubborn Bindi fusses in her arms. Gemma flicks her eyes down to the crying toddler and then back up to Harry, "or maybe don't. I think 6 kids is enough." 

Harry chuckles and reaches for Bindi as Gemma hands her off to him. "Well hi, Grumpy,"Harry chuckles, brushing his forehead with Bindi's as she fusses and shakes her head, not wanting to be held but also not wanting to be put down. She's just purely exhausted. "You're gonna be good for daddy though, right? You're only a stinker for mumma, huh?" He presses kisses to her little red and blazing cheeks.

Bindi looks up at him with tear eyes and places her tiny palms on Harry's chest, pushing her body away from him and whimpering as she shakes his head to escape his kisses. "No, daddy! Stop!"

"Mmm, you have fun with that one,"Camryn chuckles, leaning over to press one more kiss to Harry's cheek and then one to Bindi's to which she gets a loud "No mummy!"

"Alright, as fun as it is talking to you, baby brother,"Gemma says grabbing Camryn's hand and pulling her towards the door, "me and CamCam have two tickets to the spa that are calling our names."

Harry smirks at the two girls and continues to sway his hips side to side to try and soothe Bindi, "you're welcome for buying you those!"

He gets two "thank you"s in response and a kiss blown through the air from Camryn before the door shuts and he's all alone with the kids.

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