Another Baby Girl for the Styles

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Harry: 25

Camryn: 25Darcy: 8Lennon: 6Auggie: 5Bowie: 3 1/2 Calum: 19 months

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Camryn: 25
Darcy: 8
Lennon: 6
Auggie: 5
Bowie: 3 1/2
Calum: 19 months

❤️thank you so much to for Nienke_TPWK requesting this chapter ❤️
💕and thank you so much to SofttZ for helping me come up with the idea of how they tell Darcy💕

It'd a year since they started trying again.

It all started when Calum's was 6 months old. It was the first time the conversation had been brought up.

It started with them laying in bed after Calum had eaten his first spoonful of baby food, the first actual food he had ever eaten other than breastmilk. Harry didn't know why, but it made him get quite nostalgic as he laid here thinking about it. It was quite emotional, their last baby was growing up before their eyes. It was hard to accept. Especially for Harry.

He loved having babies in the house and with their youngest now growing more and more by the minute, he realized they wouldn't have that for long. It had been 8 years of always having tiny little toes to munch on or little warm bodies to snuggle and listen to hiccups. But, not anymore.

"Do you think you'd want to try for one more,"Harry quietly asked, squeezing his arm that was placed around Camryn's waist tighter. Camryn was sat up against the headboard of the bed with her laptop in her lap, editing a new episode of her podcast that she had to have posted by the morning. Harry was trying to sleep, laying on his stomach next to her, but he couldn't. His thoughts were running wild. Their family needed another baby. And he needed to convince Camryn of it.

"What?"she quietly asked, peeking over at him to try and see if his face would give away the joke he was playing on her. They had been pretty sure that Calum was their last. Five kids was already a lot.

She wasn't opposed to the idea at all, it was just a lot to take in at once and she was fairly certain he was playing a joke on her just to see how she'd react

"Would you?"Harry asked again, peeking up at her as the light of her laptop combatted with the darkness of the room and lit up her face slightly.

"Well, I dunno, maybe,"Camryn shrugged, putting her hand in his hair and running her fingers through the curls. "I think it's something we should talk about more first."

"So that's not a no?"Harry clarified with a cheesy smirk, he knew he'd be able to convince her eventually. She loved having little babies in the house as much as he did.

"Well, no, it's not a no,"Camryn conceded with a chuckle, putting her palms on Harry's cheek as he gazed back up with her. "It's a maybe."

"A maybe is better than a no,"Harry replied, completely content with the knowledge that he could definitely convince her. He had no doubt in his mind about that fact.

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