Nightmares and Monsters (September 2014)

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Harry: 20

Camryn: 20 Darcy: 3

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Camryn: 20
Darcy: 3

Lennon: 13 months August: 10 weeks

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Lennon: 13 months
August: 10 weeks

Harry is startled awake by the sound of Darcy screaming and crying. Another nightmare? She's had one almost every night for the past two weeks. He jumps out of bed and looks over at Camryn who was not woken up by Darcy's screams. She's sprawled out on the mattress on her stomach, using her arm to pillow her cheek. Her other hand, which was laying on Harry's chest before he jumped out of bed, is now placed on top of his empty pillow. Exhaustion from taking care of a new baby and two toddlers has made her be able to sleep through pretty much anything. Harry looks over at the little cot placed on Camryn's side of the bed to see August peacefully sleeping on his back with his little mouth open in an "o".

Harry walks out of the room and rushes to Darcy's bedroom. Her sobs continue as Harry pushes open the door and flicks on the light.

"Hi baby,"Harry whispers looking at Darcy sitting straight up in her bed. Every part of her body is shaking, both from sobbing and fear. Her hands have a white-knuckled grip on the sheets and her voice is trembling as she cries, "daddy!"

"Hi baby girl,"Harry murmurs as he tiptoes over to her bed, "what's wrong?"

"There...there...was,"Darcy chokes out in between sobs.

"A monster?"Harry frowns sympathetically. He picks up Darcy and sits her on his lap, sitting down on the bed. He cradles her in his arms, her hands grasping at his bare chest, needing to hold onto him to feel safer. "Was the monster in a dream?"

Darcy sobs nodding her head, "and then I woke up and it was in my room!"

"Oh baby,"Harry mumbles bringing his face down close to hers, so she feels closer to him, "you're so safe now. Daddy's got you."

Darcy continues to clutch onto Harry's chest as he rocks her side to side, quietly humming as her sobs turn into silent tears and whimpers. "Daddy? Will you stay with me?"

"Of course I will, honey,"Harry whispers, his breath hot on Darcy's face. Their noses touch as Harry continues to hum softly. "You're so safe, baby girl. Daddy's got you now. No more monsters."

"Promise,"Darcy asks looking up at him with big round blue eyes that are rimmed red and pooling with tears.

"Pinky,"Harry replies kissing her lips softly, "I love you, baby girl."

"I love you too,"Darcy sniffles.

They rock side to side for two more minutes as Darcy's tears finally stop falling. Her little palms never leave Harry's bare chest and his eyes never leave her.

"Daddy, can I have some milk?"Darcy asks quietly, barely loud enough for Harry to hear.

"Of course, lovely,"Harry nods standing up and shift Darcy to be chest to chest with him with her arms around his neck, "let's go get you some."

Darcy's head nuzzles into Harry's neck as he quietly walks down the stairs, careful to make sure they don't creak and wake Camryn and August or Lennon.

Once in the kitchen, he sets Darcy down on the counter top. "No,"Darcy whimpers reaching her hands up to have Harry pick her up again.

"Baby, I can't pour milk with one hand,"Harry explains walking over to the fridge, "I'll pick you up after I pour it, don't worry."

Harry pours the milk into a sippy cup and puts it in the microwave for 10 seconds to make it nice and warm. He walks over to Darcy in those 10 seconds and picks her back up, her head returning to his neck. She kisses it lightly causing Harry to smile, "you're so sweet, Darcy Anne."

Harry hands the sippy cup to Darcy who gratefully accepts it and puts it straight in her mouth. Harry can feel her little mouth against his chest gulping it down as he begins to walk up the stairs again to return to her room.

"Let's lay down,"Harry murmurs curling him and Darcy down on her tiny toddler bed. His long legs don't fit on her short bed, so he has to curl them up towards his chest. Darcy cuddles her chest and face into his chest with one of her little arms wrapping around his stomach. Harry plays with Darcy's hair as he watches her gulp down her last few sips of milk. He gently takes the sippy cup away from her half asleep figure. Darcy's eyes flutter closed as she mumbles, "daddy?"

"I'm right here, baby,"Harry whispers leaning his head down to rest next to hers, "I'm not leaving. Go to sleep, lovely."

Darcy's hand moves from Harry's stomach searching for his hand. He takes the hand that's not moving through Darcy's hair and lightly holds her hand as Darcy's eyes completely close.
Harry's plan was to leave about 30 minutes after Darcy fell asleep. That, however, did not happen.

Camryn wakes up to August's feeble cries at 6:45 in the morning. She gently picks him up from his cot shushing him. She looks over to see if Harry was woken by Auggie's cry to see that his side is empty. Furrowing her brow in confusion and cuddling August to her chest, Camryn goes on a search for Harry.

She walks by Darcy's room and hears quiet snores, smiling to herself. She quietly opens the door to see Harry and Darcy sprawled out on her toddler bed cuddling together. Her cheek is on top of Harry's cheek, and his hand is still wrapped around hers. Camryn smiles as she closes the door, leaving them to sleep peacefully for a little longer. She doesn't know how he ended up in there, but she's glad he did. He's the best daddy she knows and will do anything for his babies, even if that includes sleeping in a toddler bed that's bound to make his back sore for the next few days.



Okay but the daddy Harry feels in this one are hitting me strong 🥺

Thank you for reading!! Love you all!! MWAH!

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