An Anniversary on Tour (June 19 2018)

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^^^^ of course listen to Harry singing "you're still the one" ;)

Harry: 24
Camryn: 24
Darcy: 7
Lennon: 4
Auggie: 3 1/2
Bowie: 2
Calum: 5 months

❤️thank you so much to harrySuPremacyy for requesting this chapter!! So glad we've gotten to get closer over these past few months!!!❤️

Alright so the Boston show was on the 18th of June but for the sake of the story we're gonna pretend like it was on the 19th ;)

Also! Liam is mentioned in this chapter since him and Gemma have already started dating at this point, and I know there are a lot of mixed opinions and feelings about him right now which I completely understand, but I just ask that you remember this is a work of fiction and of course it's not actually the boys in real life, so in this world we're gonna pretend like none of that happened and it's all unicorns and rainbows 😂

📍Boston USA

June 17th 2018

11:30 pm

He wakes up to a tiny palm tapping against his cheek, which really isn't that different from how he normally wakes up. He's been a father for seven years now, so he's gotten very used to waking up one of two ways: a tiny palm slapping against some part of his body and calling his name, or a baby crying. He can't remember the last time he ever woke up on his own, but he assumes it was probably when he was fifteen.

"Daddy, daddy, I threw up,"Darcy whimpers, her voice coated with pitiful tears as she continues to tap her fingers against Harry's cheek.

"Huh?"Harry groggily asks, raising his head slightly from the pillow that he was snuggling since Camryn moved away from him half way through the night to nurse Calum. He blearily looks over at Darcy, trying to blink the sleep away from his eyes as he fuzzily looks over at his daughter who's standing right beside him. "Oh hi, sweetheart. What's wrong?"

"I threw up,"Darcy repeats with a big sniffle, her free arm wrapped around her stomach as she slightly leans over. "Daddy, I don't feel good."

"Oh you threw up? Okay,"Harry nods, quickly sitting up in the bed and throwing back the covers from his waist, his tired feet falling onto the floor in only a pair of boxers as he reaches his hands towards his little girl who will always be his little girl no matter how old she gets.

"C'mere, sweetheart,"Harry whispers, picking Darcy up under her arms and hauling her up, cupping the back of her head and guiding it towards his shoulder as she wraps her little arms around Harry's neck, her face snuggling into his neck, her legs straddling Harry's hips. "I've got you."

"My tummy hurts,"Darcy whimpers pitifully, nuzzling her face further into her dad's neck as he continues to sway his hips soothingly and rub his palm up and down her slightly sweaty and feverish back that's drenched her pajama shirt that's sticking to her skin uncomfortably.

"I'm sorry, honey, do you feel like you're gonna throw up again?"Harry asks softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"I dunno..."Darcy whines, shaking her head miserably against his neck as her little fingers begin to play with the peach fuzz on the back of Harry's neck. "Daddy..."

"Okay, you're okay, sweet girl, you're okay,"Harry comforts, padding quickly through the bedroom into the connected bathroom, flicking on the lights which makes Darcy hiss softly and bury her face deeper into his neck.

"Daddy, no..."Darcy complains, her eyes squinting in reaction to the lights that are such a contrast from the darkness that her eyes have become accustomed to.

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