Birthdays and Morning Sickness (October 2010)

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Harry: 16 Camryn: 16, 12 weeks pregnant

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Harry: 16
Camryn: 16, 12 weeks pregnant

❤️thank you so so much to SofttZ for requesting this chapter❤️

"Hey,"Gemma greets as Harry opens the front door to his and Camryn's apartment. "How's it going?"

Harry sighs and runs a hand through his messy curls. "Just amazing." The sarcasm is coated in his voice.

Gemma's ears perk up at a retching sound coming from down the hall. "Is she still sick?"

Harry nods and wipes at his tired eyes. Blue bags are hanging from his under eyes. He's so tired. Camryn wakes up around 4 am every morning from her morning sickness beginning. Well, it's more like all day sickness. She's up and puking and nauseous from 4 am till midnight. "She said she had to puke one more time before we start driving."

Gemma bites her lip nervously, she knows it's not normal for a pregnant woman to be this sick. "Do you have bags or something for her to puke into while we're in the car?"

"Yeah,"Harry nods and points towards the large stack of plastic grocery bags on their kitchen counter. "They're right there."

Another loud gag comes from the bathroom and it makes Harry frown and Gemma wince. "Maybe you guys shouldn't come." She looks at her little brother and bounces on the balls of her feet anxiously, "mum would understand. Cam is going to be miserable in the car."

Harry nods and runs both of his hands over his face, "trust me, I've tried. I already told her that we shouldn't go and that mum would understand, but she's insisting on it. She said that even if she's in the bathroom puking the whole time it will make her feel better to know I'm with mum and Robin."

Gemma relents as the bathroom door creaks open. Their heads snap over to be met with a very bleary Camryn.

Gemma has to physically stop her jaw from dropping when she sees Camryn. She's never seen anyone look so sickly and fragile. Her skin is almost translucent and her cheeks are sunken in. She looks like she's lost weight and her hair is tied up into a messy bun.

"Hi, Gemma,"Camryn croaks, resting a hand on her stomach as she winces, trying to keep the sick down.

"Hi, babe,"Gemma smiles and then cautiously walks towards her. "Am I okay? I didn't put on any perfume, but I can stay away if my soap is too much."

Camryn smirks and shakes her head, "no, no, you're totally fine. Smell doesn't really get me, unless it's Harry's cologne."

Gemma giggles gently and puts her arms around Camryn. "This babe is giving you a run for your money already, huh?"

"Tell me about it." Camryn widens her eyes jokingly and exhales heavily.

"You sure you want to come, Cam?"Gemma questions, pulling away from the hug but keeping her hands on Camryn's shoulders. "Mum would understand..."

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