New Years with the Styles (December 31 2013)

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^^butterfly fly away by Miley Cyrus, you'll know when to start playing this ;)

^^butterfly fly away by Miley Cyrus, you'll know when to start playing this ;)

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Harry: 19
Camryn: 19, 12 weeks 3 days pregnant
Darcy: 2 1/2
Lennon: 4 months

❤️thank you so much to tpwk_vicky  for requesting this chapter❤️

New Years Eve (7:00 am)

She wakes up to her cheeks tingling. It's not like she's not used to it, this is how she's been waking up for the past eight weeks. Two months of waking up to a churning stomach and tingling cheeks. Two months of having to bite back the bile rising in her throat.

It's not even a big deal anymore. Between her pregnancy with Darcy and her pregnancy with Lennon, it would honestly be weird if she didn't have debilitating morning sickness.

At least this morning sickness, as well as Lennon's, is nothing even close to how violent and debilitating her morning sickness was with Darcy. Nothing compares to how sick she was with Darcy. She hopes that she never has to feel the way she did with Darcy's pregnancy.

Her skin is sweaty and sticky, which is only being made worse by the three heaters she's been sleeping next to all night.

Lennon is placed in his little bassinet in between her and Harry, which at least takes away one little space heater, but the second he wakes up to feed again, she'll get his hot skin pressed against hers which isn't going to help with how sickly she feels.

Her two other space heaters are cuddling on the other side of the bed, Darcy on top of Harry's bare chest with her arms sprawled out to the side of his middle, her cheek pressing against his skin. His hands are resting on top of Darcy's back, his face tipped down to the top of her head.

She can feel Harry's toe against her calf, the most she'd let him touch her since she felt like she was living in the Sahara dessert last night while they were going to bed. That's why Lennon's bassinet is placed in between them, actually, because Camryn knew it would prevent Harry from rolling over in his sleep to cuddle Camryn which she just can't do in the first few months of pregnancy where, no matter the weather, she always feels like it's the middle of summer.

She kicks the thin sheet off of her body, the only thing she could manage to sleep with last night as she puts her hands on top of her little bulge of a stomach, turning her cheek on her cool pillow to look at Lennon and try to take her mind off of how close she is to puking.

A little tired grin settles on her face as she looks at her little boy through the bassinet's wall, seeing his chest rising and falling peacefully. His mouth is slightly open as little gusts of air fall out of it, dried milk collecting at the corners of his mouth from his last feeding. His little hand in clenched into a fist and resting by his head.

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