Chapter 15

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Chapter 15
|Justice is served|

Leanna Russell

Silas lifts me up from the bath and into his arms where I feel the most safest, there I wish I could be for the rest of my life and if I have my way that will happen. Nothing can keep us apart from now on, nothing and no one. We will be together, and we will forever be one. He doesn't seem to care about the fact that my body is wet nor the fact that water4 is dripping onto the floor. He just walks with me into the bedroom where he lies me down on the bed.

He gets on top of my body and instantly;y my mouth is met by his, and I find that all is perfect as I kiss him. The heat between us only grows and even when I shiver I find that my body is hotter than it has ever been. When my eyes meet his after we break the kiss I see the desire in his eyes. The desire for me and that makes the heart within my chest beat faster than it has ever done. Only he can make me feel that way, and it is only meant to be seen by him and his eyes only.

The way that he holds my body against me makes me feel almost every inch of his body, as he wears clothes, and they are the only thing that are in my way of touching him, of feeling his soft and warm and safe touch which is more gentle than anyone could have ever imagined. I know the things that he has done and will do are terrible and yet it only makes me love him even more and deeper. All that he has done is to protect me and even if people have lost their lives because of it, it can only be because they deserved to die for what they have done to us.

His kohl black eyes stare at me with this gentle look which is slowly taking over his desire. His eyes have always been the root of my curiosity around him. They are true and warm like him and still I know that he can be cruel and wicked when need be and his eyes show his emotions perfectly, if people were to look they would see if but they don't, and perhaps I even like it that way because his eyes and his emotions are mine and mine alone, no one can have him but me.

"I won't take you now" He whispers to me and that is why I see that his desire for me is still there, but it is slowly being taken over by something else. "It's not the right time. When I take you and make love to you, it will be special. Both of us will remember to be a night of love" He tells me. 'Such a romantic' The voice in my head. I giggle. "Who knew that the great Silas has a romantic side?" I ask and he laughs as well.

"No one calls me the great" He says to me and I laugh once more. "I do. It's the truth. You're great and amazing and a miracle to me" I tell him, speaking only the truth. He might not see it himself, but he is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I wish to never have that ruined. To have us apart from one another for that would make my life a living nightmare. "Romance is the one thing that I always and will mess up" He whispers to me and I take his hand into mine and hold it close to my heart.

His hand touches my skin where my beating heart is, and it rests on my breast. "Do you feel that?" I ask him. His kohl black eyes have not left my eyes, and he does not look, but he does nod his head at my question. "That is how you make e feel. My heart is yours, and it beats only for you. Without you nor your love I would not be able to live. The heart inside me would not beat as it does for you" I tell him. His face softens as tears form in his eyes. Tears that only I will ever be able to see.

My hand is over his hand as I press it against my chest and where my heart is, truly allowing him to understand why my heart beats so fast for it is for him and because of him that it is like that. It beats fast but even the beat itself will never be able to explain just how much love my heart has for him and my words will never be enough either for the things that I feel for him are things that can never be described, only shown through actions of love.

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