Chapter 1

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~ Lexi's pov ~

I look at the time. It's 7 am and I have to be at work in 2 hours. After showering I quickly dress up. I decided for a black skirt ending a little under mid-thigh and a white long-sleeved blouse with black knee boots, my red toned short bob fell slightly under my shoulders.

I went to the kitchen and ate some chocolate cereals, washed up and went out my apartment.

On the way downstairs to the basement I felt like being watched. I might imagine things.

I'm always walking by foot because the distance of my home and workplace is only about fifteen minutes away, which also leads along a beautiful forest I coincidentally love to watch.

I'm really happy living on my own now since I graduated and got a job at the bank. I didn't wanted to be a burden to my aunt and live at hers like forever. So I decided to start fresh and moved to another town. Not that big but just fine for someone like me.

And the air here is so much cleaner than were I used to live. How do you say 'new place new beginning.

I still can't believe that I finally made my high school graduation and left that damn school full of damn people. Thinking of themselves like some highly gods and keep mobbing others however they feel like.

Why I'm telling this? Yeah. I was one of them. Only because I was different. I mean it was not always like this. Once I was like everyone nor in the spotlight neither the one getting mobbed. Just between and that was all I ever wished for.

It happened when I was just 15 years old and I had this really sweet boyfriend, Dilan. Everything went fine, he was super caring and nice. I felt being protected by his side. He gave me the love I missed since my parents died in a plane accident, as they were rushing back home to my birthday. Of course I had my aunt, but she was working all day trying to pay off her dept, so I wasn't really close with her. I felt responsible for what happened to my parents and still do.

But day after day Dilan just wanted more, from holding hands to kissing, then making out, touching and he got always more lust hungrier. One evening he wanted to sleep with me. As I said firmly 'NO' he slapped me really hard on my cheeks. On the next day I even got bruised from it. He apologized to me and I didn't think much about it so I let it go. But only after that day he got even more physically aggressive. The next time he touched me we were in a dark alley and as he tried to rape me forcefully I did everything to escape. I tried to kick him, which he paid me ten times back, and as I used all my power, soon I felt getting weaker and weaker until my tears started flowing. Then he made the mistake releasing his hand from my mouth, so that i screamed all the way out I had in my lungs. Luckily there were a group of police officers walking nearby. That night Dilan got arrested and went into prison as he was already 18 years old and abused an underaged girl of 15 years.

After that, I kinda wasn't the same anymore. I had problems with sleeping, because of the nightmares. I stopped talking to people at my school. No. On the contrary it was them who stopped being friendly to me cause they saw me as 'bad luck' who brings tragedy along.


I shook my thoughts off my head. Not wanting to start the day off with negative thoughts.

Suddenly I heard a noise and stopped in my movements.

What was that? Sounded like a...howl? A howl!? Or was it a really loud growl?

Now I was getting curious. Yeah, you must be thinking 'is she stupid or what for following the dangerous sounds?'. Well how I mentioned myself as bad luck, I like to get myself into trouble because I always have to be soooo curious. hmp. What do I have to lose anyway? Parents? Friends? No way.

So I started walking deep into the forest as I listened to where the howling came from.

So I started walking deep into the forest as I listened to where the howling came from

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A wide meadow came across me. Displayed with a big old tree in the middle and lots of beautiful red flowers, they were called 'poppies'. Haha, sounds like cute little baby dogs. I stopped in the middle of the meadow. Looking back into the dark forest I locked eyes with a pair of golden ones, becoming bigger and bigger. Soon I was able to recognize it as a big black furred wolf.

As my eyes widened I didn't realize that I was stepping backwards.

The wolf was enormously, not like an ordinary dog, but about a bears size.

The Wolf growled and as he walked closer he kept his head low. Does that mean he was a good wolfy?

"Hi" i called out trying to get friendly. "Ähm well I just heard a howling and thought I should come and see what's going on." and let out a chuckle. He purred. "...That wasn't a good decision right?"

The Wolf tilted his head and looked...confused? What? Does he understand me or what?

"OK? I think I should get going." but he just growled and I shrieked back.

"ok ok. I'm not going anywhere, b-but please don't hurt me."

Now it was me who tilted the head and let out a big sigh "I mean, it's not like anyone's going to miss me anyway or that I have something to lose." The moments of my life flashed before my eyes and I felt how a single tear escaped my eye and went down my cheek. As I realized it I turned away from the Wolf so he wouldn't see me like this. Pathetic.

Wait! Am I hiding my feelings from a Wolf? Ok now I'm really becoming a freak.

I jumped up as I felt something digging in my back. As I turned around the Wolf was standing right in front of me. Grrr. As he growled he put his head low, what I assumed of trying to comfort me.

"Are you trying to comfort me?" and he just nodded with his head. Wow he really understands me. Nice.

"Ow. Thank you" I smiled at him.

I patted his head and gave him a kiss. From the spot I kissed I felt a little of sparkle through my lips. I was confused what was this strange feeling that made me also feel happy inside.

I locked eyes with the wolf, turned around went to sit under the big tree. As I was walking from him he growled but soon was following me and put his pig head right onto my laps i crossed.

As I kept patting his head I started a conversation with it.

"You know I think I have a new friend. Even better than being friends with humans." as he didn't responded I continued.

"Do you you have a name? I think I'm gonna call you Kuro. It means the color black in japanese as you have such a soft beautiful black fur." and gave back a sweet purring.

"By the way my name is Lexi, just telling."

"Soo, you wanna hear my story Kuro? I know you don't know me and might not be interested... but I like already like you." he purred and nodded his head.

I let out a chuckle and started telling about me. Oh boy, he was such a good listener.

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