Chapter 2

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~ Kyle's pov ~

'Alpha, there are rouges on the south boarder. They already passed through the land.' my beta Mike linked me.

'Take some warriors with you and don't let them in any further. ' I comanded him.'I'll be on my way.

'Yes Alpha'

I went out of my office. As I stepped out of the pack house I let my bones crack and shifted into my wolf.

Running as fast as I could. The cool breeze glided trough my fur.

It wouldn't take long for me to be on the south boarder as I was stronger and faster than the other wolves. A huge advantage of being the Alpha.


'What's wrong Trevor?' I asked my wolf.

'That scent. Can't you smell it.'

Then it hit me. A delicious scent. A mix of chocolate and strawberries.

I changed my path and followed it, It became only stronger as run for my life. As if I am going to make the biggest mistake when I would lose it.

There she was. SHE. MATE! I and Trevor said at the same time and growled loudly.

She was walking down the sidewalk. Suddenly she stopped and looked in my direction as if she knew I would be standing here. She looked beautiful. Her short skirt made her legs look even longer and her blouse emphasized the curves on her upper body.

I was trying so hard not to jump out of here, right upon her and cover her with thousand little kisses. And Trevor was going even crazier.

Then she started walking towards me. Into the forest. I backed up to observe her. Wasn't she afraid something could happen to her?

'Kyle we've to go after her.'

'Of course we do!. I'm not letting her enter the dangerous forest on her own.' I gave back

I sensed how he rolled his eyes on me. That wolf.

'I know and we'll also have to teach her not to do that again' he chuckled.

She walked for a while until she stepped out to wide meadow with a big old tree in the middle. I knew this place, it's my favourite one. And it's not easily to be found. Especially the tree in the middle was planted by many generations before me. It lastet for many wars before and is still breathtaking

A beautiful melody brought me back to my senses. It was her. She was just laughing. It made my heart feel at ease and let me out a 'prr'.

She must've heard me since she turned around and locked eyes with mine. Those big hazel brown eyes were looking at me. Like I got trapped in them. Without breaking the eyecontact I walked loser to her. Wanting to be near her.

I stopped as she started walking backwards. Is she afraid of me? My heart froze. Like she was rejecting me.

Trevor growled deeply as he didn't like the fact that our mate is afraid and running away from us.

So I held my head down so she wouldn't be scared. And seems like it worked. I was standing right in front of her and our eyes met each others.

"Hi. Ähm well I just heard a howling and thought I should come and see what's going on." she said laughing. " Ok I think I should get going."

I growled as she wanted to leave. No! She can't leave yet I just met her. Just a little longer. Only some minutes.

She looked afraid as I growled at her but it was worth it cause she's staying a litte longer. Yey! I was so happy having her stay. I know I'll have more time with her. for the rest of my life. But every minute is worth it.

A little sob brought me back from my thoughts. She was crying. A little teardrop fell over her cute chubby cheek. Someone made her sad. Suddenly I felt some anger in me. I wanted to kill those who made her cry. But it didn't last long as she suddenly turned away from me. Like she was trying to hide her feelings from. It made me feel sad too and I let out a little growl.

I wanted her to feel better. Let her feel she was not alone and comfort her.

I took one more step and gently poked her back with my nose. So that she turned around and looked at me again.

"Trying to comfort me?" she asked

I nodded.

"Aw. Thank you." and she gave me like the worlds biggest smile I have ever received.

Reaching out for my head, she started patting it and I felt a sparkle come over me. Was this how it felt like being with a mate. Suddenly it became more intense. As I looked up, She was giving me a kiss where she just patted me. My body felt heated up and my heart skipped a beat. A beautiful feeling I never want to lose.

But it only lasted a second as she all of a sudden turned away and started walking away.

Then I realized that she was walking to the big old tree, so I followed her.

I sat down just like she did and put my big head in her crossed lap. It felt so comfortable, more than my own super smooth big bed I had.

Just the I realized that I should have been on the south boarder because of the rouges. There haven't been any rouges lately or any other dangerous threats.

'Mike how's the situation going.'

'Nothing serious Alpha. It was only a little family trying to escape from their old pack.'

'Escape? What do you mean?'

'They wouldn't tell us, Alpha. They want to speak with you.'

'You know where to take them. I won't be there for a while. Something came in between.'

'Yes Alpha'

I cut off the mind-link not to be disturbed by anyone else and I concentrated on her. Her. I don't even now her name. Always calling her or she.

She started patting my head again and started the conversation.

By the way she gave my wolf the name 'Kuro'. And she doesn't know that he already has a name.

'There is no need to tell her. I appreciate the name she gave me.'

'Well however you wish'

'Just don't be jealousy'

'Ah seriously.'

" By the way my name is Lexi" she told me.

She just told me her name. How wonderful. Just like her.

Then she started talking and told me about herself.

She told me that her parents died in a plane crush, while they were trying to make it to her birthday. And she still feels guilty of it. About her aunt she lived for some years, but moved out as she graduated and found a job not to burden her. How lonely she is everyday. Not having family members around or friends who love her dearly.

I can't wait to tell her about me. Mark her as my mate, so she wouldn't be lonely anymore. Have a family. A big family. Friends all over every corner on my land. Our land. Everything I have will be hers. Just wait Lexi I'll make you happy soon. My Lexi.

The time went on and it was already afternoon. She must've so much on her heart she wanted to speak about.

Abruptly she took a deep breath and looked at the watch on her wrist. Her eyes widened.

"Oh NO!"

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