Chapter 5

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~ Kyle's pov ~

Here I am, standing where Lexi run off to her apartment.

She waved as she was running. She should better focus on one thing as clumsy as she is. I chuckled and my mouth grew a mega watt just thinking about her.

'Close your mouth. You're drooling.'

'ah just shut up' I told my wolf.

'Hey Kyle we should go back now' Trevor said.

'No I will wait until she is safe in her apartment' I gave back.

'You don't even know which floor she lives at you stupid.'

'you're the stupid one. Now shut up I told ya. And as she would enter her apartment she'll turn on the lights. That's how I'll know it.' I explained to him.

Trevor just gave back a low growl. Yeah whatever.

I am still waiting for Lexi to turn on her lights, but nothing is happening. It's already been 10 min. What's taking her so long to get home??

I better check on her just to be sure she is safe.

I walked closer to the road as I watched out for people, well I mean for humans. What would they think when a stranger comes out of the forest out off nowhere at walks across a big main road focused on a specific building. psychopath?, nuts?, rapist?

I reached the building, went through the main doors and looked around and searching for the right floor. Seeing that every apartment has a number on its door, but you can't tell who lives in which one.

So I used my wolf sense and sniffed the room. It's still very clear. Lexi's scent is as fresh as she is in front of me. I followed the scent up the stairs to the 4th floor.

The scent becomes stronger and stronger with the second.

At the last step I stood still as I heard something breaking as if someone were having a fight.

And then it hit me. The aching sound of crying that broke my heart into peaces. I knew it was her angelic voice. Lexi. But she is in pain. Something is going on in there.

Trevor 'MATE, MATE, she is in danger. we must help her.' he growled angrily.

I run up to her door and without thinking for a second I broke through her front door and the scene infront of me made me go berserk. OK I did not go berserk but I was really really mad ok.

She was helpless on the ground under that fucking ugh...I felt my eyes turning black as Trevor wanted control, not letting him.

'Kill him' Trevor demanded.

'No I will lock him up and torture his fucking life out of him wishing he was never born. And also we've to be careful here are humans being.'

Just as she was calling for help. I ripped that bastard off her and kicked him K.O..

As I hurried over to Lexi she already lost her consciousness. My eyes roamed all over her body. She had some bruised and was bleeding on a little, but not to much to put her life in danger.

I picked her up carefully not to hurt her more as she already is. Without another glance at that bastard I hurried out the building over to the forest.

'Mike' I mind-linked my beta

'Hey alpha, where are you. I told ya to come here you know'

Mike is my beta but also my best friend. We grew up together and went to all shit like brothers.

'Shut up. You need to come here and get a certain asshole and clean the place. Put him in the dungeon.' I ordered him

'Ok. You sound strange. Do I need to know what happened.'


'Kyle? What's wrong man. Come on tell me'

'I will tell you later. Hurry up before the humans in the apartment find out what happened. I see you at my place.'


After 15 minutes of running in human form I arrived at my private mansion. It's near the big packhouse which is also surrounded by little family houses that are owned by families who want a little privacy. Normally the Alpha lives with the pack, so that it's faster and easier to get to work with the pack. But I prefer my own private space just for my own.

I even decorated it for the last few months in case I would find my mate. And I am glad I did. Now she is here in my arm. But not how I imagined it to be.

I quickly went up the stairs and brought my hurt mate to my bedroom and laid her on my, no on our soft bed. As soon as I laid her down there was a knock on the door. I rushed down to open it. It was the packs doctor whom I mind-linked on my way here.

I took him up too my room to Lexi.

"How is she doc. She is going to be alright right?." I asked him with a concerned voice while he was already examining her.

He stopped and turned to me. " Alpha may I ask who this girl is. Cause for sure she is not a werewolf."

"What you think you're doing. Why did you stop helping her. Get back on work now!" I screamed at the doctor.

In a second he bowed his head and turned around, treating her wounds.

I don't know what came in me. Normally I'm much calmer than this. But as it is about my mate I get all mixed up with my emotions.

As the doctor finished his job I brought him back out the door

"Thank you doctor."

"It's my work alpha. Have good night" he bowed and left.

I went to the kitchen and filled a water jug with clean fresh water and put the lid on. Placed it on a tablet along with a glass and the medicine the doc gave me. Just in case she has some pain or has a dry throat. I brought it upstairs and placed it on the bedside table.

I turned to Lexi and pulled the blanket a little more up to her chin I crouched beside her sleeping form. She looks so innocent and cute when she is asleep. My little angel. I watched her every feature. I brought my hand up caressing her cheek. A silent tear dropped out of her closed eyes. I was startled and it made me wanting to protect her from the dangerous and rotten world. I leaned down and kissed away her tear.

Lexi took a little breath in and abruptly began to turn around in her sleep. Was she having a nightmare? Was it because of my kiss? I hope not the kiss.

She was now on laying on her side with the back to me. Still making little moves like a frightened kid who has the worst nightmare.

I quickly snuggled under the blankets behind her and wrapped my arms around her to take her into my arms and never let go of her again. As I started whispering her little soothing words she calmed down. She mumbled something which I couldn't make out right.

To my surprise she leaned more into my arms and her little soft fingers came upon my arms. Sliding them down my arm she reached my hand and tangled hers with my.

At that moment I was just beyond happy. I got my mate in my arms, skin to skin.

I hugged her even tighter not wanting her to disappear and put my face in her neck and took in the scent.

Chocolate and Strawberries. Mmh.

And with that we both fell asleep. 

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