Chapter 3

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~ Lexi's pov ~

"Oh NO!" jumping on my feet.

Kuro stood up on all four and whined because I mistakenly hit his head while jumping up. Looks like I striked his jaw with my knee. I held in my breath as I brought my hands to my mouth.

"Ouch.... I'm so sorry Kuro." I hugged him by his neck as I stroke his head slowly.

He brought his head to my chest to hug me back. Gosh. For a giant wolf he looks rather really cute. I chuckled out.

"Are you Ok? I didn't want to hurt you. I was just surprised by the time. It's already late and the sun will set soon." worriedly I said.

Slowly I removed my arm from his neck and stepped back. "I have to go now."

What to do about work. It never happened before that I didn't go to work or even be late. I guess I'll have to call and tell them I was suddenly not feeling well or else I might get a big problem.

Walking towards the woods I stopped after a few steps.

"Wait. I don't even know where I am. I mean I came here by myself, but I didn't even looked which way I walked." Turning around looking at Kuro

I didn't think about it when I came here but now that I found myself lost and didn't knew the way out. I looked helpless to Kuro. He wouldn't let me alone here right? I mean he is really nice and doesn't look dangerous at all. At least his actions arent't.

I walked back the way and walked slowly around Kuro. Having my eyes on him and lead my hand over his broad sides.

"So..... you see Kuro. I am lost here in the woods... and we both know you wouldn't go without me.... Am I not corrent?.... Say, won't you give me a.... ride?" I tilted my head and had this pleading look in my face like a little cute lost dog. No one would be able to resist it. I guess.

I kept my pokerface and waited to see how he reacts.

After a while he sprinted off and run into the woods. A-and gone is he.

Good job Lexi. That damn face of yours even drived away a big wolf.

Ahh. I let out a big sigh and plumped into the grass. Lying on my back with my arms both stretched out to the sides.

Not even an animal wants you Lexi. So what are you good for? Just go end your life somewhere. You even caused the people you love most to suffer and you're no help to anyone.

Except for working off the butt for others. I thought often about resigning from work, as they're all people with fucking behavior. They're different from the ones from school. In the school you were bullied and they ignored you most of the time. At work they let you do all their dirty work and still ignored you. Yes.

What means, that nothing became better when moving. Same shit as ever.

"I wish I would die" I said loudly and sighed.

Only after some seconds Kuro came back, standing right above me and growled deeply in my face. Him suddenly being above me startled me, so I laid still there only watching him and not moving an inch.

Is this my end? Is he not as harmless as I thought? Didn't we just have had a great time together? Well I guess it wasn't like that to him. Is he going to kill me now? But was there just minutes ago listening to all my problems and bad times. A-and he would have killed me right from the beginning, wouldn't he?

My face must have a strange expression since he tilted his head and went frowning. I kept starring at him.

Then he brought his head near my face and I closed my eyes not knowing what's going to happen.

Something big, warm and definitely wet, went started on my jawline and went up the way until my forehead.

I took a deep breath "Youuu. Ew. Did you just lick my face!? It's all sticky and wet now."

He didn't react in any way. Just sat beside me and pointed to his back with his head.

"What now? You want me to ride? What was that about earlier" I said annoyed and a bit hurt

He nodded.

"NO." I turned away to lie on my side, my back to him.

As my hair slides down to the ground. my neck was greeted by the cold breeze and I let out a shiver.

I could hear his footsteps.

Now you might ask how would you hear a wolfs steps on a soft ground. Well if you include his bodys weight, and it's not really a little by the way, I'm sure you would hear too. And not to exclude the grounds vibration.

My neck got in touch with warm breath and I twitched lightly. Since it became cool out here.

He touched it again. As I didn't turn around he whined and laid his snout on my shoulder.

Aah. He is just too cute. Now he is pleading me. I turned on my back again.

"You're asking for forgiveness?"

He nodded.

"Ok. So are you taking me home now?" he nodded again.

Like earlier he sat down, so I could get on his back. I gripped on his fur. not to fall down. It's really soft and I love it. He's so beautiful.

We made our way to the edge of the woods. To my luck it was right across from the bulding where my apartment is located. How did he get here. Did he know I was living here? He must have used his skilled nose. Right, I'm only imagining things on my own again. Must have been a coincidence.

I looked at my watch and it was almost 8 pm. How did the time went by so fast. And I just realized the sun is setting right now.

I didn't even let Kuro get down. I just jumped off him and landed right on my butt. Meanwhile I dropped my bag. I saw my purse fall out so I took it, stuffed it into my bag back and sprinted over the road which lies between the building and the forest.

I just remembered Kuro. Quickly I turned around and whished him a good night.

He stood there watching after me, not moving from where he stands.

I turned around and walked through the main door and took the stairs up to the 4th floor.

I like the upper floors the most, because you can just let your windows open in summer without fearing of any burglars. And by the way I got it for a very cheap price since in the whole building there are only elders living. Like half of the town. You can even turn your music louder than else, cause they won't hear it.

So I'm standing in front of my door. I'm searching my keys in my bag, as I realized that my phone isn't in there. Where is it? I remember having brought it with me in the morning. It must be already dark outside. It's no use to search for it now, I wouldn't find it anyway. Then I have to look for it tomorrow morning.

As I found my keys, I opened the door and shut it behind me. I tried to turn on the light but it wouldn't work. I clicked the switcher for a couple of times but nothing.

"Perfect. Great timing." I groaned.

I carefully went over to the kitchen and took out the candles and firelighter, that I'm always keeping inside the top drawer.

I took each one to the living room. the kitchen and dining table to lighten up the apartment. I mean it's not really bright but better than. As I fear the darkness.

My stomach growled and I realized I didn't eat all day. I'm so hungry.

I went to the fridge, took out some lasagne from yesterday and heated it up in the microwave. Took it out and had a bite. Mmh it's so delicious. I kept moaning like crazy.

I felt like being watched again.

I just shrugged it away and took another bite and let out another moan.

"My beautiful Lexi."

Saved by my Alpha (english version)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora