Chapter 10

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~ Lexi's pov ~

I am standing in the kitchen searching for the ingredients to make some puffy pancakes. Just as I was getting out the eggs from the fridge, strong arms sneaked around my waist and something warm and soft placed on my neck. A shudder run down my spine instantly. I knew who it was. "Kyle." I mean there is only two living human in this house. Pff. I'm not dumb.

"Yes It's me."

Just then I realized I was speaking out my thoughts.

I turned around in his embrace and our eyes met. Stunning. His eyes I mean. Well whatever. "Ähm. Would you help me baking some pancakes?" i asked him.

"Mmh I like pancakes. And I would love to try yours." he said into my ear. His beard slightly scratching my cheek. Slowly going up. I was like in trance. Not able to move. His lips brush over my cheek and stopped at the corner of my lips. Tingles across my cheek where his touch ran over. Then I had these butterfly feelings in my stomach. Do they say it like that. I don't know. Kinda corny.

"Pancakes." i said "sooo you wanna help me or what?" I didn't even wait for his answer and just put the eggs in his hands. And went over to the other ingredients.

"Come here" i told him and pointed a finger to call him over.

"Ok. Then let's make some pancakes." he said with his raised brows.

So he came over and put the eggs on the kitchen counter and looked at me as if he was waiting for instructions. "What are you waiting for?" i asked him.

"I'm waiting for you to tell me what to do."

I was confused. "Wait. You don't know how to make pancakes. Something this simple?"

He shook his head. "I can't cook."

"But you lived alone till now. So how did you survive without cooking. lived alone right?" something bothered me and a pain came across my chest. Was he really living alone? Since when? When did he started to live here? I mean he is a man. Men have this thing. And I ..

"Hey angel" he cupped my cheeks. He brought me back to reality"Hey. You don't have to think like. I lived here alone for the past 5 years. And no one came here. I didn't let anyone in here. I never did and I never will. Well, except for my beta and really nice old lady which helps me by cooking my meals for me." To the end he spoke quite faster.

As I heard his word pain went away and I felt relieved.

"You are the only woman for me. You are my woman. You are the only one I would ever bring to this house. Our home. And you will be the only one for me. Forever. Only if you want it too" he said with a frown on his face. Waiting for an answer.

I was so happy. Hearing those words. And the feeling that you know 'you are the only one'. Something I always yearned for. A home. A family. Someone who truly loves me. Yeah this may be going to fast. But I have this strong feeling that my heart tells me to trust him, to love him. Even with Dilan I never felt this way. Not even a little bit. This man is truly different. Different in a really good way.

Now it was me who cupped his face with my little hands. My mouth turned into a smile. "Thank you for having me here. I know it hasn't been long since we met. Well it has been only merely a day" i laughed it off."But I don't know you.." i couldn't speak as he cut me off.

"I know but I really mean... " and know I cut him off by putting my hand on his mouth.

"Would you let me speak first?!" and it was not like a question. He looked confused but just nodded.

"I don't know you. But I want to trust you. I want to know you. You seem like a really nice guy. And it's just that.....My heart tells me so." I blushed as we kept looking in each others eyes. I waited for his turn but he did not say anything. "Kyle?"

Slowly he showed me the biggest smile he had. His pearl white teeth were shown. He gave me a quick peck on my lips which let me widen my eyes and he lifted my up, I put my arms around his neck and he swirled us in a circle. shrieked up at this sudden turn of event.

"You don't know how happy I am right now." he said as he slowly put me on my feet.

"But." i said and his smile went smaller and smaller.

"But....?" he said repeated after me.

"Before all of this I want to meet your wolf. Can I?"

"Angel I don't know. Listen I'm an alpha and alphas are even stronger and more possessive of their mate than normal wolfs. We should take it slow." he looked a little concerned. For a moment he looked like he was gone in his own thoughts while his eyes turned pitch black and then back to his golden colored ones.

"But you said we already met. At the meadow. Right? I spent some hours with him. He won't do anything to me. He already loves me." i tried convincing him. At this moment I was sure that I heard a soft growl, it was more like a purr. What? Was that Kuro? "Kyle please"

He scratched his head with his hand and then let out a sight. "Ok. You're kinda right. But I will take the control back immediately if he goes to far."

"Oh thank you." i smiled and hugged him tightly.

"After we made the pancakes. I'm dying of hunger."

I laughed and nodded.

So we turned back to make the pancakes. I told Kyle to crack the eggs into the bowl and as he took two eggs at one he dropped one egg and it landed on the floor. "Ups. It slipped out off my hand. Wait I will clean it up quickly."

"No just let it be we can clean up later. You will make a mess anyway."

"What? Excuse me? I will make a mess? How do you come to that conclusion?"

"Well you can't cook and you already dropped an egg on the floor, so there is a next. And do you know how complicated it is, to clean a raw egg from the floor?"

I observed how he sneakily grabbed some flour and was coming my way, but before he reaches out his hand with flour, I pushed him out of reflex. It must have surprised him, because he trumbled backwards, stepped right on the egg and slipped. While falling on his ass, the flour in his hand flew into the air and landed on his own face. He groaned as he fell. It must have hurt.

But I just couldn't hold myself and started to laugh so hard, tears came out off my eyes.

"Lexi." he warned me.

I could feel the stare he was giving me "I'm sorry but this is so funny." and I continued laughing.

After I ended my laugh attack, we finished the pancakes and ate every single one off them. By that I mean I ate three and Kyle ate about twenty. So the whole plate. I just stared at him.

"How can you eat all off this? I mean I only ate three and I feel like exploding."

"Well Babe. I am a werewolf. And you must know that werewolves have a really big appetite." he winked at me. "Safe this for later." I didn't know what he meant by that but ok?! "And this is your first meal for me, so I have to eat all of this. And I also don't need the old lady coming anymore. Since I'll be eating only from your hand from now on." he said with a smirk on his face. I chuckled only at his comments.

After we cleaned the kitchen I grabbed his hand and tried to pull him out of the house. But he wouldn't move.

"Come on."

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