Chapter 11

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~ Lexi's pov ~

"Come on"

"Let me digest my food first."

"Let me digest my food first. What you're talking ' bout. You just shouldn't have eaten that much."

"Did you just mimic me?!"

"Yes I did and now get your ass out of the house." and I pulled him out to the garden.

"You're really eager to meat him right?"

"Oh yess. I haven't seen him in so long."

"Oh come on. It hasn't really been that long. Maybe two or three days."

"Oh my god. That long? Ok so how is this supposed to go."

"So you will just stay where you are and I...." he told me as he backed up some steps. He started to pull his shirt over his head and dropped it on the floor. Then he started to pull down his pants and was only in his boxers. He wriggled with his eyebrows at me at a smirk. And I was just like 'oh dude what's wrong with ya'. He pulled down his boxers in a rush and my mouth just fell open without any sound. There he was standing in all his glory. Oh my Gosh. He was like a greek god standing with big muscles that I want to touch. My eyes went back up and met with his. "Are you ready?" he asked me.

"Yeah yeah. You know you look pretty calm for someone who has gone through shit because of him"

I just gave him a soft "Hm. But I have you right." 

The corners of his mouth rised a little.

He went down on his knees, bend forward and his bones started cracking. It sounded painful but that's what he does everytime to turn into his wolf right. But still, it worries me. His human figure is slowly turning into that of a wolf. Arms longer. Legs shorter. Upper body longer. Ears pointed. Mouth and nose into a snout. Black hair growing out all over his skin. His beautiful golden eyes turning into a deep black one. And his size, bigger than me. He let out a small growl and showed me his teeth. He was just standing there waiting for me to make the first move.

So I went up to him run my hand through his soft black fur and slowly walked around him. Getting his details in and came back to standing infront of him. I locked eyes with him "Hi. Long time no see."

He gave me a purr as an answer. I guess that means OK? Right?

"oh I missed you too." i smiled at him and he purred again. I grabbed his head from both the sides and gave him a kiss to the front of his snout "I love you Kuro." i said. First he seemed shocked and didn't respond right away. "Kuro?" i said rubbing his head to wake him up. And he came back to his senses. He cuddled his head with mine, into my neck down my chest, my stomach, around my body, came back infront of me, pushed me down until I was laying on my back. Laying on top of me he started licking my face. I started to giggle. "You're acting like a cute little doggie." and kept laughing.

He stopped licking my face and growled really hard. "OH ok ok. You're not a little doggie. I understood, but still you're really cute." and throw my arms around his neck to squeeze him into a hug.

This is just like the first time we met. At the meadow. I'm so lucky to have him.To have both of them. Kuro and Kyle. I love both of them so much.That asshole Dilan I wish I never met him. But on the other side if i didn't met him I wouldn't be here right now. Huh. He made my life a hell. But wait what happened with him? I don't even remember what happened at the end of the night. How did Kyle exactly safe me. If Dilan is still out there he could come back and get his revenge like he did on me. Oh no. I can't lose Kuro and Kyle. My breathing became faster all of a sudden. The fear and worry built up inside me.

"Lexi! Lexi!. Shh. Hey little Angel." Kyle's voice brought me back to my senses. And I realized his changed back to his human form and put on his pants.

"Kyle. I..."

"Hey it's ok. Calm down. Breath. Slowly."

"What happened?" i asked him.

"You were like in a shock. Did Kuro do something wrong. I told you it could be dangerous." he seemed worried.

"No Kyle, it wasn't because of Kuro. He did nothing wrong. I .."

"Hey Angel tell me what's wrong. It's ok." he shooed me, while picking me up in his arms and embracing me in his warm arms. A pleasant heat radiating from him.

"It's about that night." as soon as the words left my mouth, Kyle's hug got tighter in a hurtful way. "Kyle, you're hurting me."


He let me go. Looking worried. He looked all over me searching for any kind of wounds."Are you ok? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." He broke the eye contact and looked down. "I was just so mad when you mentioned him. I. No I and my wolf, we want to revenge you. Hurt him a thousand, a million times he hurt you. Make it unforgettable for him. Suffering all his life. Of course if he lives."

I put a hand on his cheek. "hey." I told him with a soft voice, calming him down. "I'ts ok. Well, thanks to you. I love you."

"I love you to, my angel." he said as I brought his face closer and gave him a passionate kiss. Long and warm.

"I'm worried that he might come back. I ..I don't even know where he is or what happened. Kyle can you tell me what happened? Please. I'll be ok, as long as you're with me."

He watched me silently for some seconds, then gave up and sighted. "Ok, you've the right to know it. Even if I would prefer not to tell you." He waited for some more seconds and then started to explain. "As I told you. That night I came after you to see if you're safe, because I didn't see any lights going on an out. Not even one. So I decided to see myself. When I was near your apartment which I found with your beautiful smell by the way. Then I heard your screams and I crushed the door open to find that asshole above you. He...he fucking tried to rape you. Ughh." he clenched his fists, his jaw pressed together and his golden eyes turning black. "I should have been faster. But I wasn't. I could't protect you." A tear escaped his eyes.

"Hey. Babe. Hey, shh, you DID save me. See I'm here right infront of you. And I'm ok." I kissed his lips to show him. "Please go on and tell me the rest."

He sighed and went on. "I teared him away from you. And smashed his body a couple times. Then I called my beta Mike and told him to take him away to the packs prison. Mike is my right hand. When I am away from the pack or something happens, then he's got the say in the pack. While Mike was on his way I already took you out of there and brought you to this house and called the pack doctor to nurse your wounds.That's all. You woke up the next morning in my bed."

"So...he's jailed up right?" I looked at him with a worried face. "He won't come back?"

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