Chapter 24

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Clara smiles brightly as she pets Crystal holding her lovingly, *She's soooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!~ Omg where can I get one?!* She thought happily. Clara looks at Dawn gently who is still bottle feeding Boss. Red is still clinging onto Dawn's neck while he stared at Clara.

Clara hugs Crystal happily, "Dawn, where can I go to get a bitty?!" She squeals excitedly.
Dawn perked up at this while feeding Boss, "Well....There's a shop I've been to...But are ya sure yer up for the responsibilities of a bitty? They're not pets they're more like getting babies that need yer full attention and care." She says while petting Red's skull lovingly, "And each bitty is different...." She says before kissing Red's skull lovingly. Red blushes brightly purring loudly.

Crystal purrs happily nuzzling Clara's fingers softly. Boss is quiet as he keeps being bottle fed.

Clara nods, "Yes, I'm up to the task!!" She says. Dawn sighed softly, "You'll have to be more careful since ya have a cat..." Dawn adds. Clara nods. Crystal, Red & Boss perked up at this.

Crystal asked curiously, "What's"

Clara perked up at this before pulling out her phone showing photos to Crystal, "This is a cat! My cat, Chubby" She says happily. Crystal snorts slightly, "He's a really fat cat...he looks like a marshmallow" Crystal giggles.

Clara smiles, "That's what I always thought, he's a chubby little marshmallow!!" She giggles. Crystal giggles softly wagging her tail rapidly, "Mama I wanna meet Chubby! Can I, Can I??" She asked curiously.

Dawn hums softly as she finished feeding Boss, "I dunno...Chubby has a habit of chasing small things" She says worriedly. Crystal pouts harshly, "But mama...that's not fair!!" She whines loudly with her ears down tearing up slightly....

that's not fair!!" She whines loudly with her ears down tearing up slightly

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Dawn sweats slightly. Clara hugs Crystal softly comforting her. Red crossed his arms softly, "....She's at it again...pouting and crying to get her way" He says softly. Boss is quiet. Dawn blinks at this, "Really?" She asked softly. Red nods, "Yeah's only cause she's such a baby" he says. Dawn nods softly.

(Pst!! Hey guys what would you do if you were Dawn? Comment down below and I'll write what should happen next! Bluebird over and out)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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