Chapter 1

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Dawn was talking her daily afternoon walks through town to the park. She love the warm sunshine on her face and body. Since winter was coming and would soon make it to cold to be out. Dawn loves being outside...especially went it rained gently down then she could sit at her favorite stop in her own backyard. Under her big tree with the swing...

*Small cries*

"Hmm???" She paused. Dawn could have sworn she heard someone crying to her left in a large ally. Being the caring, loving, kind person she was she investigated.

There were garbage cans all over by a large wire fence that oversees the old scrap yard. She looked around each can listening carefully as the crying continued.

Her foot knocked over one of the cans behind her. Causing a small yelp from the sad, now scared mystery person. There was silence...did it run away? Did she scare it?? Dawn wasn't sure. She fell silent and still for a moment...there was a tiny whimpering from behind the cans in front of her. She moved the cans and gasped at what she saw...a poor little bitty was tangled in the wired fence.

The tiny bitty was trembling with fear and large tears dripped down her little skeleton face...

(Dawn's POV):
*Awww, you poor baby...* I thought to myself. The wires were so tight on her...I wondered how long she had been there, stuck like that to the point of crying.

My soul nearly broke.

"Shh shh shhh, easy it's ok

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"Shh shh shhh, easy it's's ok. I'm not gonna hurt you." I said gently as I attempted to reach out to her.

She flinched, her bones rattling, her body shaking, her voice trembling.

Her body was tangled in the mess of metal wires...she struggled in them. Panicking as I brought my hand closer to her. She flinched as I touched small body... she was about the same size as my thumb.

"Myah! Plz!! Don't hurt me," she said shaking with a small whimper. My soul was about to shatter...she looked so scared and helpless. I started to untangle the wires the best I could. She squeaks a little when I touched her sides to untangle the last one.

"Sorry! Did I hurt you???" I said, worry in my voice.

Her skull was a light blue color...(Is she blushing???) My fingers brushed against her sides as I untangle the wire. She's smiling a she was holding in laughter.

I didn't know skeletons could be a bit ticklish. It was so cute~

As soon as she was free I held the tiny bitty in my hands. She held onto my thumb with her tiny hands.

I went to stand up off the ground with the small bitty in my hands.

"W-WAIT! st-Stop!! Put me down!!!!" She yelled as she nips at my index finger. The small bite doesn't hurt very much but I can tell how afraid she is...

I sighed as I bring my hand up to my body. She lets go and attempted to climb to get away. She squeals as grab her in my hand... I made sure not to squeeze too hard on her.

"No!!! I'm sorry I'm sorry please, don't hurt me!" She repeatedly apologizes for nothing as she sobs and hiccups in between her sentences. The poor baby... I bring her up to my chest comforting her as pet her head, and back.

She cries in my shirt as I coddle her. "Shh shhh it's's ok."

"I'm sorry *hic* I don't mean to be a crybaby *hic* I'm sorry!"

"Shh shhh shhhh there's no need to be's ok, you did nothing wrong. What's your name? Mine is Dawn"

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