Chapter 15

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(Dawn's POV):
I held Red against my chest while I walked back upstairs gently, Crystal is still asleep purring happily...I smiled before tucking her in lovingly rubbing her cheek, she smiles brightly.
Red is quiet...I glanced down at him slightly before nuzzling his tummy lovingly, "I think I'll give you a bath before bed~"
Red froze slightly as his bones rattled slightly, "What?! I don't need one!!" He says shyly. I giggle softly, "Oh come on little man it won't be that bad"
I went into the bathroom with him and filled up the sink with water gently making sure it's warm...he clings to my shirt tightly, refusing to let go, "....Come on baby it'll be alright" I purr kissing his cheek lovingly petting his skull gently, he purrs loudly melting into my hands while I pet him, "There ya go, just relax baby" I praise him before undressing him gently....The sight of his ribs make me sad...he has a lot of cracks here and there and his pelvis is badly bruised...he must've been abused........I put him in the warm water gently he purrs loudly relaxing in the water greatly as his little tail bone wags. I smiled at this, rubbing his bones with a gentle sponge washing him with soap, "I'm not hurting you am I?" I asked worried about his cracked ribs. Red shook his head twitching slightly as he smiles purring loudly he looked like he's enjoying the bath. I smiled gently before rising him off....I take him outta the water wrapping him in a small dry wash cloth drying him off before looking at his ribs after draining the sink water, "........I'm gonna bandage up those ribs of yours, there in bad shape..." I told him as I got the first aid. Red wraps himself in the 'towel' he seems nervous now.
I sighed gently, "Come on let mama see...let me take care of you baby" I purred kissing his head lovingly. He blushes brightly before letting me see his ribs. I do the best I can and wrap bandaids on each crack so it can heal...then I give his ribcage a few gentle kisses, "There all better~" I purred getting him dressed in some cute bitty pajamas. He just keeps blushing brightly purring happily hugging me as I hold him closer to my chest....I walked back into my bedroom and laid down on the bed with Crystal holding them both close cuddling with them, "Sweet dreams my sweet baby bitties~" I said gently.

*To be continued...*

(Don't forget to comment if ya have suggestions on what should happen next...also happy thanksgiving everyone!!! Happy holidays!! Bluebird over & out! ✌️)

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