Chapter 3

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I felt Crystal stirring in my pocket...she yawned and looked at me with a little smile. I pet tiny skull was my thumb as I looked at more of the bitty website.

Something caught my attention.

—Bitty Care:
[Bitties need to be kept on close watch. They may be small but they can make big messes easily. Bitties need lots of love and attention. They also need baths regularly to keep clean and healthy.]

I glanced at Crystal who was hugging my shirt half asleep in my pocket. I had just now noticed that she was covered with dirt, scraps, and a few bruises. I continued to look through the information and found instructions on how to wash your bitty.

I read through each one carefully, and reread it to make sure I know it by heart. Then I go upstairs to my room and went into my bathroom.

I decided that I would bathe her in the sink since she was too big to go down the drain.

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