Chapter 9

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~A few months later~
It's been getting colder outside and snow has even began to fall, its beautiful. But for some reason, Crystal has been asleep all day, "....Crystal?? Come on sweetie wake up" I purr lovingly.
Crystal shook her head gently hiding in her little blanket I gave her, but she just pulled the blanket over her face, "...Noooo....wanna....." She whimpers loudly.
Her voice sounds sore and quiet...I rub her head lovingly, "Aww come on out, please...mama misses you~" I cooed lovingly.
Crystal groans softly peeking outta the blanket, she looks so exhausted and it sweating a lot, I started to worry, "Oh baby you look sick, are ya feeling okay?!" I asked as I felt her skull gently, she's burning up, "...Crystal...."
I had no idea.
Crystal coughs softly whining loudly as she sweats, I picked her up gently, keeping her in the blanket, I take her temperature...She has a high fever, I quietly put a cold cloth on her skull to cool her down and go through the bitty stuff I bought for situations like this, "Where is it....Ha, found it!" I said happily pulling out some fever reducing medicine.
I read the bottle carefully, "...Two spoonfuls, okay than" I said as I poured the first spoonful of medicine....then walked over to Crystal, "Sweetie can ya open yer mouth and take this for mama please?" I asked as I held the spoon to her mouth gently.
Crystal sniffs the medicine before turning her head refusing it, I froze in shock, "Wha—Crystal, come on open up, ya have to take this if ya wanna get better!" I told her as I continued putting the spoon to her mouth, again she refused, "NO—MPH!!!"
I shoved the spoon into her mouth when she spoke, "There ya go, baby. Good girl~" I said as I kiss her skull lovingly as she swallowed the first spoonful.
As I poured the second spoonful of medicine she froze, "Mama no!! I don't wanna have anymore yucky medicine!!!" She pouts whining loudly. I sighed softly, "Aww I know ya don't baby, but ya gotta take one more spoonful, okay. Come on be a big girl and open up for mama please" I told her again putting the spoon to her mouth, she whimpers loudly turning away, shaking her head refusing it.
I had to think smarter this time, I gotta idea!! I put my finger on her belly playfully before gently wiggling it on her sensitive tummy, "Coochie Coochie coo~" I tease her.
Crystal squeals before laughing softly as she squirms, I take this opportunity and again shove the spoon into her mouth.
Crystal pouts groaning loudly swallowing the rest of the medicine. I smile softly, "Good girl, mama's so proud of you " I cheered happily kissing her cheek lovingly.

(Comment Whatcha want to happen next!! I'm up for any and all requests except lemons!)

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