Chapter 20

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Dawn sighed gently, "It's okay baby, don't worry about it. Let's help yer brother, he looks injured pretty badly" She says as she puts Crystal in her shirt pocket while carrying Red & Boss in her hands gently up to the bathroom.
Red holds Boss gently rubbing his skull as Dawn sets them both down on the bathroom counter by the sink, "What's his name Red?" She asked curiously as she got the first aid kit.
Red perks up at this, "Papyrus....but his nickname is Boss" he says.
Dawn hums softly, "Boss?? Why not something cuter, like Papy? Or Paps?" She asked curiously.
Red sighed softly, "Cause he likes being called Boss" he says. Dawn nods softly as Red lays Boss down. Dawn exams Boss's ribs and cleans them which makes Boss tremble or flinch slightly from the pain. Then Dawn bandages his injuries up gently before picking Boss and Red up gently holding them close giving them kisses, "I'll protect all three of you with my life I promise" She says lovingly. Crystal purrs happily in her sleep. Red smiles softly. And Boss groans softly in his sleep.

***Time skip***
After three hours Crystal woke up from her nap, she and Red are on the couch in a curled up blanket watching tv....since Dawn gave them the remote control and got them comfy. Boss is in Dawn's shirt pocket, she's keeping him close so she can care for him when he wakes up....she's on her computer doing research on 'how to care for yer injured bitty'
Boss groans loudly as he slowly starts to wake up.

(Boss's POV):
I feel warm...and fuzzy......Everything hurts but I'm leaning against something soft and...squishy?? What the hell??? I opened my eye sockets gently and slowly letting them adjust to the bright light of the room.......Am I back at the shop?? No it's much quieter than that place and it smells different too....I glanced up slightly seeing a human female. I'm in her shirt pocket resting against her....................

"NYAH!!!!!" I flinched backwards slightly in her pocket before whining loudly from the pain.
I regretted moving so suddenly, it hurt! The human female looks down at me gently, I've caught her attention. She puts her hand on my back pulling me closer to her making me squeal, I hate it when I do that!! I realize that my clothes are brand new and that my injuries have been bandaged.....did the human d-do all this?! What for??? What the hell does she want?!?! What's the catch to this??!! There's always a catch to nice things.....
Before I could ask she picked me up outta her pocket making me jolt as I started trembling violently I braced myself for the worst to come as I closed my eye sockets tightly......but nothing happened, in confusion and curiousness I opened an eye socket slowly only to be met with her gentle, soft lips kissing my forehead lovingly. I blushed like a cherry, "Wh-What the hell was that for human?!?!" I asked in confusion. She only smiles at me warmly before rubbing my cheekbone with her thumb.....what is this?! Why is she so nice, what's going on?!?!

"How are you feeling?? Are you comfortable?" She asked me. I was extremely confused, "Uhh-uhhhh.....well.....I Uhm...yes...?" I said gently. I wasn't sure where I was or who this human was but....this one is oddly different and confusing...I don't know what her next move is..........
The human nods at me gently before standing up gently putting me into her pocket holding me against her soft, warm, squishy...........chest.....I blush brightly as she walked into what appeared to be a living room....she sat on the couch gently, "He's awake" She says.
Who is she talking to—I froze when I saw who she had sat down next to........I must be dreaming, this can't be real!!! Crystal & Red are sitting on the couch curling up in a blanket watching tv together looking at me with such joy.
Crystal flew up onto the human's shoulder climbing to me and Red teleports to me. They both hug me tightly but gently....My eye sockets tear up when I realized that I'm not's real, they're here!!!! And—and they're alright! We're finally together again!
I can't help myself but cry. Red and Crystal are equally crying from joyous happiness. The human smiles brightly hugging all three of us gently.
Crystal smiles brightly, "Mama's gonna talk care of us brothers! Her name is Dawn!!" She says happily.
Wait mama?!?! Crystal's never called a human by that title before.......this human must've trained her to say that!! I should've known this human was a trickster!!!
Crystal hugs me lovingly purring loudly wagging her tail, "Boss, Mama cleaned and bandaged ya up and wants ya to get better....she really loves us and she'll love you lots too!!" She says.
She's serious, absolutely serious about this......not a bit of fear is on her face or in her eye lights.....even Red looks more relaxed than normal. This 'Dawn' human gently purrs happily, "That's right....And don't be afraid to ask me if you need anyone hungry??" She asked curiously.
Crystal and Red's expressions became excited, "Yes!!!" They both cheered. D-Dawn nods gently setting us all down on the soft blanket be very careful with me, "I'll go make us something to eat, I'll just be a moment" She says before kissing Red's skull then, Crystal's skull, and finally, my skull before leaving to the kitchen I assume.
Crystal & Red smile brightly purring happily, have they lost their minds?!?!
"Red, Crystal?! Where are we?! What's going on?!?!" I asked in confusion.
Crystal smiles brightly, "We're at mama's house brother, our new home! We'll never be hurt or starving or tortured ever again!! Mama's gonna take care of us!" She says happily. I glanced at Red to see if this was true or not and he's smiling brighter than I've ever seen.

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