Chapter 12

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(Red's POV)
I can't believe I'm finally back together with my little sister Crystal...I missed her so much, and her last owner was an absolute bastard!! He kept shouting and cursing at Crystal calling her a cry baby and punished her for being sweet...and gentle. I hugged her close to me and she hugged my tightly, I didn't ever wanna let go......I looked up at her brand new owner I had never seen before, Crystal seems to think this woman was safe since she was hiding in the fold of her t-neck sweater....maybe this owner would be different...I just hope she'll consider taking me with her since I don't have an owner because I kept biting the last one...I refused to leave without Boss or Crystal.....and now that Crystal was finally here...we just needed to find Boss and we'd be together we used to...
Sally the woman holding Dream & my caretaker here at the store.....I kiss Crystal's cheek softly purring lovingly as I hugged her.

(Dawn's POV)
This was such a precious moment...Crystal didn't tell me she had been separated from her older brother.....I just hope he doesn't have an owner, I'd be more than happy to take care of him too so they could stay together as a family, I looked at the woman, "Does he have an owner?? Or would I be able to take him home with me and Crystal?" I asked curiously.
The woman blinks slightly, "He doesn't have an owner miss...but he bites a lot I'm not sure—
She stopped talking when Red rushes up to my hand hugging it tightly as he clings to Crystal, he has that begging look of, 'Please take me with you'
The woman's jaw dropped before she nods, "Yeah, you'll just have to sign a few things and then you can go to yer party...I'll watch over them" She says.
I smile brightly, after I signed off papers and paid for Red....I kissed Crystal skull lovingly, "Be good while I'm gone okay baby?"
Crystal nods purring lovingly hugging Red....I gently rub his head, "You too little guy" I told him before leaving.

(3rd person POV)
Dawn leaves and heads to her party.

Crystal hugs Red tightly clinging to him, "I missed you so much big brother......Wait where's Boss?" She asked worriedly.
Red sighed sadly, "....Not here..."
Crystal whimpers loudly, "....He got bought again didn't he...?" She asked. Red nods softly, "....Yeah...and by another crappy person..." he says.

***To be continued***

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