Chapter 5

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(Crystal's POV):

Crystal didn't wanna let go of Dawn's little feet couldn't touch the bottom of the sink and I didn't know how to swim either. The water was so warm and the warmth of her hand was so nice and soft too.

"Crystal are you already???" Asked Dawn. I wasn't sure how to answer. I just sort of sat there holding onto Dawn and refusing to let go. "Such a little handful~" she said with a sigh.

I flinched as she scrubs my body with a small brush...she scrubs me clean from filth and dirt. It feels really good~

(Dawn's POV):

Crystal was a little fussy when a scrubbed her but she seemed to enjoy it after a little while. Crystal was so calm and was so cute. Afterwards her new bitty stuff arrives and I fit her into some new clean clothes.

She curls up into the crook of my neck, nuzzling close.

Crystal is so cute. I pet her as I do some work on my computer...since I work at home. She is soon asleep as I finish my work....It's late.

I undress her and get Crystal into her pajamas. I walk upstairs to my room and get dressed into my pajamas. I rest into bed and place Crystal by my pillow as I drift off to sleep.

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