Chapter 11

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(3rd POV)
Dawn has a big day today, she's been invited to a party but she needs someone to look after Crystal while she's much as she'd like to bring Crystal along, it's an adult party with alcohol and god knows what else, Dawn didn't want anything to happen to Crystal while she was at some friends she spends most of the day looking for someone or some kinda daycare for bittys.
Crystal clings to Dawn's neck lovingly, hiding slightly inside her t-neck of her sweater, "....Mama I want to stay with you...please don't go, p-please don't leave me!!" She whimpers loudly tearing up.
Dawn sighed softly kissing Crystal's cheek sweetly rubbing her skull lovingly, "Shh shhh baby it's okay, it's alright....I won't leave you for more than a day, promise. And I'll make sure whoever takes care of you until I come back is very kind too ya okay?" She says.
Crystal pouts sniffling slightly while hugging onto Dawn's fingers as she pets her skull lovingly.
Dawn spots a website for bitty daycare...each person who works there watches over a few bittys each and makes sure each one is loved as if their own, *This seems like a perfect place for Crystal...and there even open at the right time, I can pick up Crystal after the party!!* Dawn thought happily, "Come on Crystal lets go" She told her as she gets up puts on her shoes, grabs her purse and keys and leaves the house locking the door before getting into her car.
Crystal stays where she is clinging to Dawn's neck safely tucked in the fold of her t-neck. Dawn drove to the bitty daycare which also appears to be a bitty store as well....On one side of the small building is a bitty shop & the other is a bitty daycare center...she found this interesting.
& Crystal.....found this scary cause she hides more in the fold of her t-neck sweater.
Dawn walks inside looking around.

(Dawn's POV)
It's a shop and daycare for bittys alright....there's bitty Sans' & Papyrus' everywhere...but not a single one is another Crystal bitty...I walked to the bitty daycare part of the store and rang the small bell on the desk, a woman walked up to the counter with three bittys Sans on her shoulders. The two bittys on her left shoulder is a Dream Sans and a Blueberry Sans...and on her right shoulder is a Red bitty Sans who clings to her neck.
"Hello ma'am welcome to the bitty daycare will you be checking in your bitty today??" The women asked me curiously as she pets the Blueberry Sans bitty on her shoulder.

I nodded, "Yes just until this evening" I told her, "Come on sweetie, come out and say hi...please?" I asked Crystal lovingly.
Crystal's ears stuck out first before she peeks her head out slightly.
The woman and Red bitty Sans perked up at this, the Red Sans looked very eager to see Crystal.
The woman smiles brightly, "She's adorable!! I didn't know you'd have a Crystal bitty, they're so rare!!! And adorable!!" She says excitedly squealing.
Crystal hides again before peeking again before staring at the Red Sans bitty for a moment, "......Brother??" She asked softly. I perked up at this as I glanced at the Red Sans bitty.
Red stares at Crystal before teleporting down onto the desk, ".....Code..." He says staring at Crystal. She perks up at this, "Honey!!" She says pointing at herself, then she pointed at him, "Mustard!!" She added.
Red tears up greatly before nodding with a bright smile.

Crystal tears up too before rushing outta her hiding place tackling him into a huge hug purring loudly, "I missed you so much big brother!!!" She whimpers loudly, Red hugs her tightly, "I missed ya too, are ya okay, no injuries have ya been fed enough??" He asked worriedly checking her slightly.
Crystal purrs happily wagging her tail, "I'm okay brother..." She giggles.
I can't help but smile.

***To be continued***

(Bluebird here, is this a good chapter and should I continue?? Be honest...I'm not exactly sure myself.....comment below if u want the next chapter, Bluebird over & out)

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