Chapter Thirty-nine

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"So much of me is made from what I learned from you, you'll be with me like a handprint on my heart."

Things will change tomorrow.

I watch my best friend as she double checks her two suit cases and plastic bins. Her favorite outfits are folded away, shoes boxed, bathroom cleared, and pictures taken down. I'm surprised she didn't pack her large collection of make-up, but she said she wanted to try something different at college, be 'a new person'.

She's going away, and I can't believe it.

Haze zips her black suit case and places a piece of her black hair behind her ear. She glances at me and tears fill her dark eyes. I don't know how many times I've cried in the time span of the last two days. Haze wanted me to help her pack her items. It's strange how our roles have changed. She's usually the one that's helping me.

"I'm going to miss you, Amiga." She mumbles, walking over to me and engulfing me in a hug.

I force myself to breathe in and out. My arms wrap around her back, and I give her the tightest of hugs. When we let go of each other, I see Haze wipe away at her cheeks. I laugh at how ridiculous we're acting.

"Are you sure you have everything packed?" I ask her, glancing at her over-filled bins and cases.

"I hope so! If not then Mom will probably send it to me, or I could repurchase it." She says with a shrug of her shoulders.

I roll my eyes and stand up from sitting on her roller desk chair. Haze and I then begin to lift and push her stuff to the empty corner of her room. Early tomorrow morning, Haze and her parents will be packing everything into her car and head off to New York. Ashton, Carter, and I will be saying our good-byes tonight.

After we finish, Haze flops on her made bed and looks at her white ceiling.

"I can't believe I am actually going to college. I've always thought about it, but now that it's happening it just seems unreal, you know?" She doesn't look back at me.

I retake my place on the chair and lift my legs up so I can put my chin on my knees.

"It'll probably hit you when you pass the Deansville sign. Then you'll come back home crying, not wanting to leave." I joke.

Haze laughs but quickly covers her eyes with the palms of hands. And the water works appear. But she doesn't sob, and she doesn't sniffle. It's completely silent.

"I'm excited for you." I offer, trying to make her feel better.

My best friend removes her hands away from her eyes, immediately wiping at his cheeks. Someone knocks on the closed door before poking their head inside. Sophia smiles wide.

"Who's ready for some dinner?" She asks with her eyes scanning over Haze and I.

Haze and I follow Sophia down the stairs and to the kitchen. Rice, salad, beans, and tortilla shells are on the kitchen table, waiting to be put on plates. I grab a plate and put some rice and beans on my shell. The aroma of the Spanish food makes me smile and my stomach grumble, reminding me that I haven't eaten since the early afternoon when Ashton brought me lunch.

"I hope it tastes alright, girls. I wanted to make something quick so Haze will be able to get her rest for the drive tomorrow."

Haze rolls her eyes as she opens the patio doors. Guess we're eating outside then. I sit down in one of the chairs that surround the glassed table. Sophia brings out a pitcher of lemonade with a smile still on her face. All the smiling that she's offering is reminding me of Ashton. Lord knows he smiles all the time.

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