Chapter Twenty-four

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"When it's gone, you'll know what a gift love was. You'll suffer like this. So go back and fight to keep it." - Ian McEwan

I have never seen my best friend like this. After letting Haze inside, I led her to my room to put on some clothes. Haze tightens her grip on the sheet as I hand her some sweats and a t-shirt. Her tears have thankfully subsided. Haze mumbles a gentle thank you and heads to my bathroom to change. It's not normal for Haze to cry like this. Of course she balled her eyes out when Titanic and The Notebook ended, but this is different. We aren't watching a romance movie with blankets and ice cream. No, this is real life. I would say she's heartbroken, but wouldn't she need to be in love to have that happen?

After Haze changes into my clothes, she wordlessly walks to my bed and wraps her arms around my green pillow. My feet seem to be planted on the ground, waiting for her to say something. Haze doesn't speak. She just stares at her red painted toenails in silence. I cautiously walk to my best friend and sit on the edge of my bed beside her.

"What happened, Haze?" I ask her gently.

I don't want to see her cry again. If it hurts me to see her tears, then she must be feeling ten times worse. I notice that her cheeks glisten from her tears, and her dark eyes are rimmed red. I keep a sigh from escaping.

"It was at the bonfire," She says. "And I was dancing and drinking with some guy, who was in my English class, then Carter came over and we started dancing. I was so drunk, MC." She mumbles in frustration. Tears swell in her eyes but she shakes her head furiously. "Carter asked me to come over to his place, and I did."

Haze stuffs her face into my pillow; I wait patiently for her to finish. "One thing led to another and we did it," She mumbles. "I don't even remember, Kenz. I found out from seeing him naked since I woke up before him," Haze groans as she removes the pillow. She pulls the roots of her hair and her voice becomes louder as she speaks. "I don't fucking remember him fucking me. I panicked and left with the sheet wrapped around me. I want to go back in time, MC. I want to change everything!"

My eyes widen as her eyes flash in anger. Oh god, they still haven't talked either. I shake my head in disbelief. Her emotions are going everywhere. I don't know how to comfort her. I've never been through something like this. I'm not the kind of friend who's used to comforting their best friend whenever they are hurt or broken. Should I be letting her cry on my shoulder, or give her my true opinion which will mostly make her angrier? A knock sounds on my door and I turn around to see who it is. Ashton stands in the door, looking at me and Haze. I wouldn't be surprised if he heard everything.

"Carter's here." He announces.

I carefully glance at Haze. She freezes before relaxing.

"We're coming." I tell him.

Ashton nods his head and walks away not before he glances at me. I smile gently and he smiles back. Haze mumbles something under her breath and lifts up my comforter before covering her head with it. I shake my head, pulling the cover away from her.

"Haze, you two need to talk this out without yelling and sex." I tell her.

My best friend peaks over the cover. "But I don't want to talk to him." I raise an eyebrow. "Yeah right." I mumble, fully pulling the comforter out of her tight grip.

Haze sighs and slowly gets out of my bed. I follow behind her heels as she walks the upstairs' hallway and down the stairs. Haze freezes when she sees Carter sitting on the couch with his hands in his blonde hair. His elbows rest on his jean covered knees as they furiously bounce up and down. When she doesn't try to get his attention, I clear my throat.

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