Chapter Thirty-one

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"Because she will fall again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again."

Ashton reaches for two pairs of keys that hang on key hooks in the hallway. I raise an eyebrow and follow after him to the separate garage. The heat is becoming hotter and hotter after each passing minute.

"Why are we in your garage?" I ask Ashton as he swirls the keys around his pointer finger.

He flashes me a smile and nods his head to the three four-wheelers that are beside a truck and tractor. The Lotest's garage is a huge. The flooring has many scratches everywhere, there's a tool section in the corner, spare tires, and a few ceiling fans. I'm guessing this is Ashton's Dad's man cave.

Ashton opens one of the drawers that are mostly likely filled with different tools. He lifts a screwdriver and a bolt.

"I just want to show you all my dad's tools."

I roll my eyes, smiling. "Fascinating." Ashton laughs and puts the stuff back in the drawer and closes it before throwing me a key. I catch easily.

"You still haven't given me an answer." I tell him.

"Would you want to go four-wheeling?" Ashton asks me.

Immediately, I smile wide and grip the key. I scan my eyes over the different ones to see which one I want to ride. The red four-wheeler with a black cushion catches my attention so I point to it.

"Could I have that one then?"

Smiling, Ashton motions to the red one, and I walk over to it. I straddled the four-wheeler and start it up. I tightly grip the handles and glance at Ashton. He's on his own four-wheeler, watching me.

"What?" I ask him over the loud rumbling.

"Nothing. You just look hot right now." He yells.

My cheeks warm, and I shoot him a playful glare. "Stop trying to get brownie points, Lotest, and tell me where to go so I can beat you to it."

Ashton lifts an eyebrow. "So we have a race on our hands," He rubs his hands together and wiggles his eyebrows. "There's a trail in the woods right beside the dog pens. It's big enough for both wheelers to be side-by-side. The winner who reaches the top of the hill first is able to do anything to the loser."

I nod my head, trying to think of something to do to Ashton. I haven't notice it for a long time now, but he never told me about it. If I win, I won't be doing something to Ashton. I'll ask him something, and he has to answer.

"Fine with me. Prepare to get your ass beat to a pulp."

I rive up my four-wheeler and blow Ashton a kiss. He laughs before raising his hand with three fingers in the air.

"Go!" I yell before he gets to one.

I floor the gas while laughing as I try to remember where the dog pen is located. I hear Ashton's four-wheeler right behind me, and I notice the opening of the woods. Funny how I never noticed it until today. The dogs bark like maniacs as I fly by them.

Ashton passes by me, and I grit my teeth in frustration. The trees beside me cast a shadow on everything, and every few seconds a ray of sunshine meets my eyes. Gripping the handles, I begin to catch up to Ashton. He glances at me over his shoulder, making me know he's not fully paying attention. That's when I'm able to be a hair in front of him as I reach the hill.

"I let you win," Is the first thing Ashton says as he pulls up beside me.

My hair is a mess from the wind, I'm still high on the adrenaline rush, and seeing Ashton looking like that keeps me away looking at the view from the top of the hill.

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