Chapter Forty-eight

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"I wish we could see ourselves with God's eyes. Flawed, but still worth loving." -anne. n

The sound of plates clanking in the kitchen and the chatter of people talking at their tables has become a familiar sound for me. People rush in through the front doors of Roadside, having their winter coats secured around their bodies and scarves tightly wrapped around their necks.

It's a new year. The number of costumers didn't drop when it became a new year. The numbers actually stayed the same. I haven't made any resolutions. It's not something I enjoy to participate in. Everybody should already have it figured out that resolutions don't last unless you have extra determination. Most people only care about doing better than their neighbors, and when they realize they don't have a chance against their neighbor, they drop the resolution.

The days I got off for Christmas flew by. Instead of visiting Henry and Sill, they came to the apartment to exchange gifts. I received a sparkly, silver dress from Amy, a leather watch from Henry, new rain boots and movies from Sill, and a package from Haze that only had a scrapbook in it. The scrapbook hasn't been cracked open because I know what's inside. The picture on the front tells all. It's of graduation day.

My thoughts of Christmas disappear when Holly punches my arm. I raise an eyebrow in amusement.

"May I help you?" I ask.

"Time for you to switch to waitressing." She says.

Already? Pulling out my phone from my back pocket of my dark wash jeans, I check the clock to see it is time for me to start waitressing. I shove my phone back in my pocket.

"Thanks for telling me," I say to Holly. "Holler if you need anything."

I rush to the employee locker room because I'm a few minutes behind schedule. My short, black apron is in my locker so I wrap it around my waist once I pull it out. With the ties double knotted and my locker slammed shut, I walk through the hallway and kitchen to reappear again at the hostess podium.

"Okay, what are my numbers?" I ask Holly.

Holly smiles cheerfully and tells me my section of tables. I nod my head once at her in thanks before going to my tables and checking to see if any are ready to order drinks. When I get to my first table, I slap a bright smile on my face and announce my name.


The filling and refilling of drinks, carrying trays filled with greasy food, collecting tips, and almost getting beer split on me is my continuous routine for the next few hours. I know Amy is about to perform soon because I see her setting up her guitar and microphone whenever I pass the dance floor. I also recognize Tyson sitting on one of the bar stools, watching Amy closely with a beer bottle in his hand.

When I arrive at one of my tables, I carefully set down the platter of fried pickles and nachos. The bulky men with dark tattoos covering their arms slide their beer glasses down the table. My eyes widen in shock.

"Would you like a refill?" I grit out, trying to bite my tongue from snapping at them.

The bulkier of the two men glances at me. "It's not going to fill by itself now is it, pretty thing?"

My mouth drops open, and I slam the tall, beer glasses onto my tray before rushing away from them to the bar. I don't look over my shoulder. I keep on walking to the bar until I'm able to set down my tray and hand the empty glasses to Dean. He lifts an eyebrow at me.

"Rough table?" He asks.

I nod my head and tell him which type of beer to fill the glasses with. While Dean handles the beer, I scan my eyes over the dance floor and small stage. The lights suddenly dim, and Amy announces her name.

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