Chapter Sixteen

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"But then I remembered something Grandmere had once assured me: No one has ever died of embarrassment-never, not once in the whole history of time." -Meg Cabot

I woke up to my face resting against a warm chest. I cautiously open my eyes. I begin to panic when I don't recognize the room I'm in. The memories from last night rush back to me. I inhale deeply when I begin to calm down, only to breathe in a lungful of Ashton's delicious smell. He smells like spice and something masculine that I can't explain.

Something pokes my thigh and my body freezes. Is that? I blush deeply and carefully move away from Ashton's warm body. My arms are still wrapped around Ashton's neck and every time he exhales it tickles my neck. I look at Ashton's sleeping form. He looks so much younger when he sleeps.

Ashton's brown hair is in an array mess but it still looks as if he came from a photo shoot. I gently run a hand through his hair. It slides like silk. My eyes gaze down at his slightly parted lips. When Ashton groans, I move my eyes away from his lips. He opens his eyes and my brown eyes connect with his green ones.

"Morning." Ashton huskily mumbles.

Now that's attractive. Ashton's morning voice is rougher and deeper than it normally is. I smile and try to get those thoughts out my head.

"Good morning." I greet with a smile.

Ashton smiles back at me and nuzzle his head into my neck. I laugh and try to move away from him.

"It's a good morning indeed." He tells me.

Rolling my eyes, I slap his back playfully. "What time is it?" I ask him.

"How am I supposed to know," He asks me. "I'm not going to move unless it's completely necessary." I scrunch up my neck when his breath tickles my neck.

"I have to see Sill. It's Wednesday, remember?"

Ashton doesn't respond, and I move my neck so I can see his face. He has his eyes closed, as if he's sleeping. I groan which makes Ashton laugh. He opens his eyes.

"I know its Wednesday," He tells me. "I'll drop you off at your place after breakfast. Deal?"

"Deal." I say with a smile.

The bedroom door flings open, and I whip around in shock. Carter stands there with his eyes widen in shock.

"Shit, man. I didn't mean to-shit. Breakfast is ready." Carter says quickly. He closes the door as fast as he can. I blush and cover my cheeks.

"I can't believe that happened!" I say out loud while laughing.

Ashton laughs also and releases my waist. Shaking my head, I get out of bed and head to the bathroom. I grab the blue tooth brush I set down on the sink last night, and quickly put some toothpaste on the brush. I begin to brush my teeth while bouncing on the balls of my feet. I stop my mini dance party when Ashton watches me in shock. His green eyes are darkened. I pause my brushing.

"Where did you find that toothbrush?" He asks me.

I look down at the blue teeth cleaner then back at Ashton. I point to the sink.

"That's my tooth brush, Kenzie." He tells me as a grin displaying on his tanned face.

I just can't stop brushing my teeth now. I'm not even done yet! With a roll of my eyes, I keep on brushing my teeth. When I finish, I spit in the sink and rinse my mouth out with water. I also rinse the tooth brush out before setting it by the sink. Ashton walks beside me and picks up the tooth brush. He adds some tooth paste and sets the brush in his mouth. He smiles a boyish smile with the brush sticking out of the corner of his mouth. While watching him do exactly that, I blush deeply and walk out of the bathroom.

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