Chapter 19

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"Jake?" I said, turning around to see me boyfriend stood behind me.

"Are you ready to go?" he said patronisingly.

"What do you mean? Lucas and Ryan are taking me home..." I said in a confused tone.

"No they're not." he said, crossing his arms as I stood up to walk over to him.

"Jake why are you being like this? You know that they're my friends." I said in a hushed tone, trying to stop my friends from hearing our argument.

"Yeah and you know I don't like them, meaning that you shouldn't hang out with them anymore." He said. "I put up with you hanging out with Carter because he's your brother, but fortunately he's not here today, which means that I will drive you home."

"Jake, I can hang out with whoever I want." I said defensively.

"No you can't. They're not good guys Sky."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I said, beginning to raise my tone.

"You know what exactly I mean." he sighed.

"No I don't actually. Those guys have been my friends since I was born so you have no right to tell me that I can't hang out with them." I said, beginning to get angry.

"Is everything okay over here?" Lucas asked as he and Nick walked over to us to make sure I was okay, obviously without hearing what had been said.

"We're having a private conversation, jackass, so just stay out of it." Jake said aggressively.

"Why do you do this, Jake? You always act so differently when we're around other people and I'm sick of it. Why are you so aggressive towards them?" I yelled at him.

"I'm aggressive? Tell that to your brother who broke my nose!" he accused.

"...Let's just go guys." I said, not wanting to argue any further. Especially in front of my friends.

I turned around and began walking towards Lucas's car quickly as they rushed after me.

"We'll just meet yours...I guess." Hailey said quietly as she and Leanne got into her car followed by Nick getting into his own.

"Sky, come back here! Do not get in that car!" I heard Jake shout from behind me as he began to walk towards us.

"Watch me." I shouted as I opened the door and slammed it behind me as Lucas and Ryan jumped into the car.

"Woah, are you okay? What was all that about?" Ryan asked from the backseat.

"Sorry about slamming the door..." I apologised to Lucas, worried about damaging his expensive car as he laughed in reply.

"Don't worry about it, but seriously are you okay?" he said worriedly.

"Not really. Jake sucks sometimes." I groaned.

"Well yeah that's what we've all been sayin-" Ryan began as Lucas slapped him to make him shut up.

"No he's right, you have all been telling me that." I said sadly. "He's just so different when we're alone."

"That's what they all say." Ryan sang in a melodious tone.

"Dude, seriously shut up." Lucas said, hitting his brother once more.

"Ow." Ryan complained, rubbing the spot where Lucas had hit him.

"What can we do to help?" Lucas asked me sweetly.

"Thanks for the offer but there's nothing you can do. It's fine guys, really...lets just go." I sighed, buckling my seatbelt as I stared out of the window.

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