Chapter 43

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Skylar's POV

I was locked in that room for what felt like hours.

All I could do was pray that someone would find me and take me home. That my parents would save me.

My hands and mouth were tied and I was sat in the corner of the room. Peter had had me transferred to a smaller room where I remained alone.

It was cold, it was dark and it was musty. So pretty much the average room for a hostage to be staying in.

I couldn't help but believe that I was going to die soon.

Peter had told me that he was going to kill me through vengeance for my parents. I was surprised he hadn't done it yet in all honesty.

I wished that I could've done more. Fought them off and got away. But I couldn't. They were too strong for me, too experienced.

And now I'm honestly not sure that this life is for me. If I ever did get out of here, I didn't want to live like this. In constant fear and danger.

I just wanted a normal life when I grew up...with Lucas.

I stayed in that room for what felt like hours until I heard a piercing alarm begin to ring. It was so loud that it made me feel almost nauseated.

I closed my eyes tightly, wishing that I could place my fingers in my ears to block out the noise but I knew that I couldn't untie my wrists. I'd been trying for hours.

As I processed the alarm, I realised that that must mean that there were intruders. My parents.

All of a sudden, a large man with a beard burst into through the door. He rushed over to me and threw me over his shoulder, no matter how much I squirmed and kicked him away, attempting to scream through the tape.

He ignored me. Grabbing me too tightly and rushing out of the room.

But as I looked over his shoulder, I saw the boys.

Carter, Lucas, Ryan, Jamie and Nick. They were all here. They were fighting off Peter's men with India to try and save me.

As I tried to scream, I made eye contact with Carter and his expression was gut-wrenching. 

"Sky?" he yelled.

But he was then knocked to the ground, which I'd never seen happen to him before. I tried to scream. To fight harder. I wanted to get to them, to go and see if Carter was okay...but the man holding me just ran down the corridor, further and further away from them.

Then I heard another cry for my name.


My heart physically hurt me when I heard his voice. My chest clenching with the need to be with him.

I had never wanted to be with him more than I did in that moment. I had never realised just how strong my feelings were for him.

It's always been Lucas.

And I wasn't about to let him see me die. I wasn't going to let that be the last time that I ever heard his voice.

I hated myself for getting them all in this situation. I was the helpless victim who needed saving again, and I didn't want to be that girl. I wanted to be like my Mom. The girl who saves everyone else. The girl who's fearless.

Suddenly, the man carrying me burst through a door leading to outside.

I felt the cool air on my face and continued fighting as he ran towards a car, the boot wide open.

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