Chapter 1

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Skylar's POV

"Okay, who's coming with us next week?" Hailey asked me excitedly.

I placed my English book into my locker before slamming it shut and looking at my cousin Hailey.

She had pale blue eyes, accentuated with mascara, and her blonde hair cascading over her shoulders, contrasting heavily with my mid-length brown hair and hazel eyes.

Apparently, I'm a mirror image of my Mom, but I don't see it.

We'd just finished our final class of the day and Hailey had followed me to my locker, begging me to tell her more about the trip we're taking next week.

My parents had told us that we're all going to our villa in Italy for spring break and everyone's been super excited ever since we found out.

"Hello? Sky? I asked you a question?" she said, waving her hand in front of my face.

"Oh right, sorry, I zoned out for a minute. It's just me, you, Leanne, the boys and our parents." I explained.

"Oh good! If everyone's coming with us then it'll be so much fun. I'm so glad that my parents aren't coming with us because-" she began before being cut off by a sudden noise.

My attention was quickly torn away from our conversation as I heard an all too familiar voice shouting from down the corridor.

"I'm gonna kill you, Bale!"

As soon as I heard him, I knew that my day was about to take a turn for the worse.

Hailey and I quickly rushed around the corner, where I was immediately confronted by the sight of Carter on top of my boyfriend, who was lying in a bloody mess beneath him. He was punching him repeatedly, triggering an involuntary gasp to escape my mouth.

In this school, Carter is that guy. The one who's constantly partying with all of his 'popular' friends. The one who smokes behind the school; beats people up when they get on his bad side and got tattoos before it was legal.

He seems to have girls constantly fawning all over him and frankly, I find it completely gross. I don't understand what they all find so fascinating about him.

Sometimes those girls will even mistake me as another one of them trying to get his attention, but it's not like he'll ever do anything about it. He likes the attention too much, despite already having a bimbo of a girlfriend.

He's also captain of the football team and everyone seems to be either terrified of him or attracted to him. I'm neither of those things. Because unfortunately for me, that notorious bad boy is my older brother.

"Stay the hell away from her!" Carter yelled as he kept punching over and over again.

"Carter! What are you doing? Get off of him!" I screamed, running over in an attempt to push my 6'5", gym-obsessed brother to the ground.

By now, half of the school was in a crowd surrounding us with their phones held up in the air to record the fight...not that it was much of a fight exactly. Carter pushed me away from them both in one swift movement, somehow not harming me at all, but I persisted in my attempt to break them up.

All of a sudden, the principal ran towards us alongside another one of the teachers.

"That's enough! Break it up!" He yelled as Carter got in one final punch.

Principal Thomas grabbed Carter by his shoulders and tore him away from Jake, who was now bleeding excessively on the floor with a broken nose at the very least. I kneeled beside him, before looking back up at my older brother, who was now a couple of metres away from me without a single scratch on his body.

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