Chapter 5 - Just the Beginning

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A few moments later, I heard a loud bang. I opened my eyes and I saw it. I saw the gleaming blue eyes which morphed into red, a deep, blazing crimson, wrath and fury bubbled in the orbs.

I searched for Jeffrey, he was laying on the floor with a huge puddle of red liquid surrounding his head.

The 'blue-eyed' thing attacked Jeffrey. It glanced at me, it was a normal body, and it was a 'he'. His eyes flickered across my body and his jaw ticked when he observed my bruised and battered appearance.

He tilted his head towards Jeffrey's location then in a swift motion he grabbed Jeffrey by his collar and lifted him up. Jeffrey's feet were dangling inches above the ground which was humanly impossible. He began assailing Jeffrey, he punched and kicked him relentlessly then he halted.

He raised his hand and his nails extended- wait, his claws, his black sharp claws pushed out of his fingers. His hand turned veiny- dark coloured streaks appeared on his body.

He glanced back at me and I noticed his jet black eyes, then fangs, sharp long fangs. He ferociously snarled as I flinched at his beastly and bizarre appearance.

Before I could react, he shoved his hand inside Jeffrey's chest. I screamed loudly and ran towards him. He ripped Jeffrey's heart out and let the lifeless body plummet to the ground.

The creature turned to face me, his eyes went back to blue and his fangs disappeared.

'WHAT DID YOU DO?' I howled in horror, looking back and forth.

He looked at me but didn't respond. He squeezed his hand which had Jeffrey's heart in, it perished and crumbled. All whilst he maintained eye contact with me.

What sort of a sadistic, savage beast am I up against?

'He deserved it,' his croaky, rough voice sent shivers down my spine as he released the crushed heart.

Tears rolled down my cheek unable to process what had occurred. He stepped away from the body and picked the pocket knife that my father had. He walked towards me and gently grabbed my hand and placed the knife in it. I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

'Who the hell are you?' I muttered.

He smirked, 'Definitely not an angel.'

'No shit, but what's your name?' I further questioned.

'Call me Seth,' he winked. He wandered closer to me and leaned in, was he going to kiss me? That was awkward.

He was mere inches away, his eyes scanned my face with such intensity that I bit my lip feeling shy. His eyes glanced at my lips and he pressed his thumb against causing me to release my bottom lip.

There was an unnerving tension between us that I wasn't willing to encounter. His fingers caressed my cheek as he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. My breathing turned heavier as my heartbeat fastened.

'I will always protect you, my princess,' he whispered ever so gently in my ear. I closed my eyes listening to his husky, yet tranquil voice. Then a gust of wind crashed into me, my body slammed against the floor and I blacked out.

'Wake up,' I heard a voice, then I felt hands on me. My body began to restart and I found myself waking up.

My eyes hovered open and I jolted up as I saw Allison next to me, panic visible on her face. She tightly gripped me in a hug, 'Baby, I was so worried.'

I ignored her and looked around, where did that thing go? I wondered.

'Mallory?' Allison yelled and grabbed my hand. I zoned back in and then my eyes trailed down to my hands. My eyes widened in horror, they were drenched in blood.

'You k-killed him?' Allison took a step away from me.

I looked around and saw my father's dead body decorated in blood, a knife plunged into his chest.

'No, Allie, I didn't. I swear I didn't kill him,' I defended and got closer to her.

'How do you explain this? Mal, you're covered in blood and a knife is sticking out of your father,' Allison cupped my face, 'Please, just tell me did you do this?'

'No it wasn't me,' I began weeping, 'I swear, he began assaulting me.' I showed her my black eye and cracked nose. I sniffled, 'Then he came. He was the one who killed him, he ripped his heart out.'

'Mal, his heart isn't ripped out, it is stabbed,' Allison sighed and examined the dead body.

'Allie, you have to believe me, please. You know I could never do this,' I quickly gripped her hand tightly.

'How else is this possible?' She creased her eyebrows, 'There is no sign of another entry, Mal, you fucked up.'

I looked around, I wasn't crazy, the man was here, that creature - he killed Jeffrey.

I quickly got up, 'You're here I know, come out for fuck sake,' I screamed around the room hoping the creature would hear me and reveal itself.

Allison ran up to me and shook me, 'Mal, you're fucking losing it. There is no one here. Don't lie to me, I can help you out, but you need to tell me the truth.'

'Allison, I would never lie to you, I swear I didn't do this,' I looked straight into her eyes.

'It was him, there was this thing here, he had f-fangs and long claws. I swear and he had blue eyes that changed from blue to red to black,' I mumbled as my body began trembling.

Allison scoffed, 'Stop this Mal, if you did it just own up but don't make such bullshit lies. Fangs and claws, really? Was he a fucking vampire or werewolf?'

'I am not making this up, FUCK!' I ran my hand through my hair, it was real, I felt him. I was not lying and I was not crazy.

Allison rolled her eyes, 'I'm not saying that I don't believe you but this scene looks like you killed him,' she sighed.

'Allie, help me, what do I do?' I grabbed her shoulder.

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