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Eliana's POV:

Scott, Kira, Stiles and I exited the elevator. We ran into Sheriff Stilinski and my dad. Bodies were being rolled onto stretchers and Stiles asked, "Who found them?"

The sheriff looked at his son. "Argent. And he said the Doctors were down there. He also said you guys might know what this thing is."

"We've got a theory," Scott told him.

"It's a slightly terrifying theory," Stiles and I added.

My dad nodded. "Well, the ME said that victims were killed somewhere else and then dumped in those tunnels."

Scott took a moment to think. "Hey, what if the Dread Doctors are hiding the bodies?"

Kira frowned. "Why would they do that?"

Stiles shrugged. "Maybe they're covering for it. Protecting it like a parent would."

"Protecting what?" the sheriff and my dad wondered.

"A werewolf?" I guessed.

Kira gave me a nod. "It's called the Beast."

The sheriff stared at each of us with a slightly horrified expression. "We know," Stiles said. "Horrifying."

"We better figure out what we're gonna call Parrish. Because it looks like his dream is coming true," the sheriff said.

Stiles and I made our way to Eichen House to visit Lydia. She was lying on her bed in a catatonic state. Stiles held up a bunch of papers. "Your teachers, uh, gave us some of the stuff you guys have been working on. They wanted us to hold onto it for you. I saw something about the Riemann Hypothesis. Um, things like nontrivial zeros, zeta functions, and a lot of other stuff that goes totally over our heads."

I knelt next to Lydia. "Maybe you could wake up and explain it to us? Lydia, wake up. We need you back. We can't get through this without you. Wake up. Please."

"I think that's enough," Ms. Martin said. "Stiles. Eliana."

Something on the side of Lydia's head caught Stiles' attention. "Wait a second, what is this? What are they doing?"

"All right, you need to go."

I narrowed my eyes. "You call this okay?! Her head is shaved! Look! Did you fucking know about this?!"

Stiles glared. "What are they gonna do? Drill a hole into her head?"

Ms. Martin scoffed. "Are you crazy? It's for E-C-T. Electroconvulsive therapy. They shave small portions of the scalp. It's done under general anesthesia and it's perfectly safe. Look at her, Stiles, Eliana. She's my daughter. You don't think I'm trying everything I can to bring her out of this?"

"No, no, no, that's not for E-C-T."

A nurse came in and asked, "Is everything all right in here?"

Ms. Martin nodded. "It's fine. Our guests were just leaving. Stiles, Eliana, go. Or you're not coming back."

"Fine," I retorted with a huff and turned to Stiles. "We're getting her out of this hellhole."

He nodded. "Yeah."

As we were leaving, Stiles bumped into an orderly and apologized. "Sorry."


When we got back to Scott's, our friends were there. Scott, Kira, Stiles, Malia, Liam and I gathered around the table. We had blueprints and pictures of Eichen House on the table. There was also a log book and a key card that Stiles had stolen.

Scott smiled at us. "Now we get Lydia."

[Bonus chapter because this one is kind of short]

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